Chapter 49

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We stood before a small yet more extravagant building. It was in the same place as it was all those years ago. Yet it was definitely upgraded.

Toga opened the door and let me go in first. I was extremely nervous.

I entered and there stood Twice, his mask was off of his face and his identity was revealed. A light skinned man with a small beard and light blond hair to match. He was upbeat about seeing me and jumped up and down like a child.

"Well heya Y/n! I see ya finally got your top surgery and started going on T! I'm so proud of you!" He suddenly switched.

" But we are not here to discuss that. " He smiled once again as I plastered a stoic expression on my face. I didn't want any of them to think we were buddy buddy after what they did.

Suddenly a vastly familiar face appeared from around the corner. His light blue hair swayed as he walked toward me, Dabi following close behind. I stared intently at the leader, but once I glanced down at Dabi's clenched hands I froze. He was holding someone, someone very dear to me. Ciel.

His black hair displayed across his face in a mass of tangles and his eyes pleading for me to help him. I reach out to grab for him, completely dismissing that Shigaraki was in front of me.

Said crusty man grabbed into my hand. His pinky out like an English man with his tea. While scratching his neck, he began to speak.

"Y/n, we've certainly missed you."

I grew angry, my blood began to boil like no other time I've been angry.

"Give me back Ciel you bitch!"

Shigaraki didn't alter his expression didn't grow angry or annoyed as I had. He gestured toward me to the person who stood behind me. Suddenly I was grabbed by the neck and pinched with a needle.

"Y/n! NO!" Yelled a small raspy voice.

I began to fade out of consciousness. Forcing my eyes open, I attempted to grab for Ciel as if I had done so I could escape with him.

Dabi let the raven haired boy go and and let him run over to me. I hugged him close as tears slipped down my face for what seemed to be the hundredth time. A sense of relief lifted my sorrows and worries for a split second.

" How about this, " said the crusty man.

"If you can walk out of here with the kid, then you're free to go."

My consciousness was already beginning to be torn away from me and I was too weak to use my quirk. Ciel hoisted me up and attempted to lead me out of the door Toga and I had used to enter. We were close, so it was an assured victory.

(We had left through the door successfully. Leaving a shocked League of Villains and a victorious pair of guys. The End. JK imagine tho.)

My heart dropped as I lost feeling in my legs and my mind went blank. I passed out on the ground with Ciel telling for me to wake up. I wished I could. But alas it was far beyond my power.

When I awoke, I was tied to a chair by rusty chains. I struggled to leave them, but I didn't have enough strength to do so. I attempted to use my quirk but once I had closed my eyes a shock was sent through my body.

Then another.

And another.

In walked the leader and his right hand man. Dabi held a remote up and pressed a button, at that time another shock was sent through me. I clenched my teeth as the pain grew with each shock wave.

"Now," Shigaraki stood in front of me, " we could do this the easy way, or the hard way. "

I looked at him and have him no response.

He smiled like a cat and spoke, "just keep in mind that whenever you get a shock, so does your kid."

I sighed and took intrest in the ground before me as the gang leader began to explain his plan.

"You are Y/n, most villains have a similar goal. To make the world a better and more fair place. You of all the hero's know how society kind of just pushes you away because your different. So, it would be a great help if you can use your quirk to help us reach our goal. What do you say to that Y/n?"

Without looking at him I ask, "what will happen if I say no?"

Her puts his index finger on my chin and lifts it forcefully, "then we would have no choice but to hurt little Ciel. I mean we want really kill you, so the kid is our best bet. And if that doesn't work then we will run through all the people you care about and kill them right before your eyes until you agree."

He was cocky and rather confident in his plan. I knew I had no choice, so I answered him, although it wasn't what I wanted.

"What do I need to do?"

(A/n: Hello all m y handsome readers. Recently I had been informed that there was this woman going around on the internet. She is very Anti-LGBT. Apparently she has gone as far as finding and outing many Lgbtq member s and after looking into very personal info she puts them to family, friends and other people. Some people have even died at the hands of this woman because she shared info on other online sites and those people she shared them with went off to kill the people she mentioned. Please stay safe and don't share too much information about your self in popular social media apps like Insta or snapchat. If you would like to know more then search up the hashtag #staysafe#iloveallofyousomuch it will explain better than I did. Pleease don't get scared. I was extremely frightened last night when I read it and couldn't really sleep but it's just the matter of moving more personal info like full name, location and other basic things.)

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