The Roof

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The biggest smile was on Janet's face once she heard Toni's voice. Her whole demeanor changed and she blushed. Janet was relaxing and working on a writing a few new songs. Talking to Toni again was the highlight of her day.

"Toni, I'm glad you called. I mean I was hoping that you would." She spoke fast stumbling over her words. Why did talking to Toni make her nervous?
"I almost didn't." Toni said with a sigh.
"Why?" asked Janet.
"I didn't know what I would say to you. I've met other people in the business but you're different. "
"I'm just like you. Can I tell you something?"
"I can perform in front of thousands of people but I'm so shy. I surprised myself when I gave you my number."
"Janet...I,I,I...d-d-don't know what to say."
"You stutter too. I do the same thing." She said with a smile

Who would have known that stuttering and shyness would bring them together? There conversation covered so many different topics. The things that they had in common.. growing up in different places, family, music, and anything else you could think of. They stayed on the phone talking until Toni fell asleep at three a.m. Janet hung up quietly and smiled the biggest smile ever. She did her nightly routine and got in bed.

Janet's dreams were of Toni. Toni's dreams were of Janet. They both wondered where this friendship would go.

Toni woke up the next morning around nine and began her daily morning routine she didn't have to be at the studio until noon. She wondered what Janet was doing and if she was smiling as much as Toni was. Toni made herself some breakfast and then got dressed for the day. She put on a light pink form fitting dress with a jean jacket and some slip on pink sandals. Toni looked at herself in the mirror and approved of her outfit. Her thoughts again were on Janet as she drove to the studio. She wondered if she'd see her again today.

Toni took the elevator to the fifth floor where the studio she'd been recording in was. L.A. and Face were already in the studio working on "Another Sad Love Song". Neither had noticed that Toni had come in, they were both so focused on what they were doing. She removed her jacket and placed it on the chair and then quietly got the guys attention.

"Hey, is this the new song you guys were telling me about?"
Face spoke first, "Yeah, do you like it?"
"It sounds good, what are the words?"
Face sang the first verse and chorus for her and she instantly feel in love with the song. Toni smiled as he handed her the lyrics and pointed to the booth.

She went into the booth and began singing the song. The first take wasn't great, she sounded too happy singing it. So L.A. suggested she think about heartbreak and losing the one she loved. That seemed to work and the second and third takes of the song were great. They took a break and Toni decided to walk the hallways just to get her mind off recording for just a few. She walked for about ten minutes and didn't noticed someone coming out the door to her left and bumped into the person knocking them off balance. Toni quickly grabbed the hand of the person preventing them from falling, not realizing it was Janet.

"Hey, Toni."
"Janet, I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going."
"It's ok. You saved me from falling. What are you doing right now?"
"Uhh, walking around to get my mind off recording for just a little while."
"Come with me."

Janet grabbed her hand and led her to a staircase Toni hadn't realized was there. They walked up two flights of steps and went out a door. They were now on the roof looking at LA.
Janet sat down on her jacket and left enough room for Toni. They sat in silence for a few minutes, then Janet began to speak.
"This is my quiet place. I come here when things in the studio get overwhelming. I just sit and close my eyes and think or look at all the tall buildings around me. For some reason the sound of the people and traffic is calming for me."
"It's loud but quiet at the same time. It is peaceful."
Janet chuckled and pulled on her ear. "I think we are the only ones who think that."
"Yeah, I think everyone else would think we were crazy." She laughed and added on "just a little bit."
"I think its because we both grew up in homes filled with noise and it comforting to us."
"I agree. My sisters and brother were always loud, especially Tamar."
"Randy and Latoya were always the loud ones in my house."
"What was it like growing up being apart of the Jacksons?"
"It was interesting. Being the youngest I didn't really notice the fame of my brothers until I started performing with them in Vegas. From there people started to recognize me and couple years later I ended up on Good Times."
"I was known in church and that was about it. Until one day my aunt took me to a club to sing and Babyface heard me sing. As they say the rest is history and now I'm recording my first album."
"This will be my fifth album but I still get nervous about how the fans will like it."
"Anything you put out your fans will love." Toni took her hand and held it. Janet squeezed Toni's hand and blushed.
Janet looked at her watch. "We've been up here for fifteen minutes. They've probably got everyone looking for us." She reached her hand out to help Toni get up.

They made their way back down the stairs and went their separate ways. Janet back to the studio with Jimmy and Terry. Toni back with L.A. and Face. They both recorded for a few more hours and then went home.

Arriving home Janet looked up to see Rene waiting for her. She really didn't like him that much and her father keep pushing them to hang out. Janet got out of the car and made a face.
"Uh, hey, what are you doing here?"
"I came to see if you wanted to hang out?"
"Maybe another day. I'm not really feeling up to it." Joey was glad she turned down his offer. There was something about that man that Joey just didn't like. He just couldn't figure it out.

Rene left and Janet went in the house. She quickly undressed and got in the shower. She started thinking about her day and the lovely conversation she had with Toni. It made her smile. She turned off the water, rubbed some cocoa butter on, then dried off. Janet put on some underwear and a big t-shirt from the Rhythm Nation tour. She went to the kitchen trying to figure wht she wanted to eat. She quickly decided that it was going to be take-out. She called the Chinese order in and told Joey to be on the lookout for it. Then she picked up the phone and called Toni.

"Hey, what are you doing?"
"Nothing, much just finished dinner. Now I'm trying to remember the lyrics to a new song Kenny wrote."
"If I'm interrupting. I can call another time."
"No, dont." Toni said quickly, "I want to talk to you."
Janet smiled and blushed into the phone.
"Can you sing a little bit of the song your memorizing?" Janet asked.
Toni began singing Breathe Again. She stopped after the first verse.
"Wow. I've never heard a voice so powerful. You truly have a gift like no other."
This time Toni blushed and said, "Thank You."
"Tomorrow is Saturday, do you have any plans?"
"No, I was just going to see how I felt in the morning and go from there."
"Do you maybe want to hang out with me?"
"Sure why not? So what are we going to do?"
"I don't know yet. Just hang and get to know each other."
"Great, I can't wait." Toni gave Janet her address and they talked for a few more minutes before hanging up.

Toni smiled again and thought of Janet. There seemed like there was a magnetic pull, pushing her towards Janet and she just couldn't figure it out. So she decided to just go with the flow for once.

Not to far away Janet was thinking the same thing about Toni. If Janet didn't have a crush before she definitely had one after hearing Toni sing. She couldn't wait to hang out with Toni tomorrow.

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