Dancing in September

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Dress shopping for Toni was starting to become a pain in the ass. She thought she would love this process but she actually was growing to hate. This was the fifth boutique she had been and had yet to find what she was looking for. She didn't tell the clerks that she was getting married, she told them she needed a off white dress for a special occasion. They helped her as best as they could with so little details and so little time.

She left the final store feeling defeated and decided to take a walk down the quiet tree-lined street. In the window of an antique/thrift shop was a beautiful sleeveless, off white, lace dress that was from fitting. She went into the store and asked about the dress. The store owner an older gentleman who looked like he didn't need to attending to a store told her that the dress had belong to his wife who'd died a few years ago. His wife had worn it for their 20th anniversary celebration over thirty-five years ago.

After hearing the story about the dress Toni fell even more in love with it. She knew that she had just found her perfect dress.

Janet was going with something simple. She also let Toni think she was going to wear pants. She couldn't wait until Toni saw her in her off the should white dress with Louboutin stiletto heels. She had stumbled upon her dress a week before Toni. It was simple yet elegant and just what Janet was looking for. As soon as she saw it, it spoke to her. Wearing a dress was going to be a total surprise for more than just Toni.

As the date drew closer both women seemed to become more nervous and irritable. The stress of it all was weighing on them both. They pushed through it. Everything was coming together at the last minute. It was going to be at the beach house at sunset with only about twenty guests in attendance. They would have a small reception in the house.

The day had finally come and both Toni and Janet were nervous. Toni opted to get dressed at her house with her Mother, Tamar and Towanda. She was pacing and couldn't calm her nerves. This is something she wanted ten years before but didn't have the courage to do it. She was finally committing to Janet because she had her heart. At the same time Toni was also excited because they were finally getting to have their life together. She looked forward to the coming years.

Janet was shaking with nerves, Gil and Mother were trying to get her to calm down. She started hyperventilating suddenly. Gil had to help her breath through it so that it wouldn't turn into a full-blown panic attack. Mother just hugged her and rubbed her back. The nerves were overwhelming her. Gil suggested that they take a walk near the water. That seemed to bring her back to her center. It was like Toni had a sixth sense when it came to Janet, as soon as they got back to the house she called.

"Hey Baby, something's up with up? Tell me."

"I don't know. I guess everything is starting to get to me. I'm doubting myself and you and I don't know why."

"Janet Damita Jo Jackson, I love you. I am in love with you. I would never think of hurting you in anyway. When you look up at sunset I'll be waiting for you. I love you baby, calm down."

"I love you too." Janet visibly relaxed and was ready to finish getting her hair and make-up done. Gil was glad that she was ok now.

The hours flew by quickly and it was now time for the ceremony to begin. Everyone was seated and waiting for the couple to make their entrance. Janet came down the aisle first to some simple jazz. The dress she wore was a satin and lace, form fitting, sweetheart neckline, ivory dress with dark read beading down the back. No one had seen her dress, not even Gil. Everyone gasped at how beautiful she looked her hair and make-up were flawless. She took her place at the front.

The music changed and Toni appeared at the back and she walked to the front. She stood in front of Janet in her Ivory lace gown she had bought at the antique shop. She walked down the aisle focusing on the love of her life. The guests looked on and soon Aaliyah appeared to sing One in A Million, Toni had no idea about Aaliyah being there. Toni began crying listening to words of the song, it fit them perfectly. After the song, Jada (Pinkett) who was a good friend to both Janet and Toni appeared to oversee the ceremony.

"Aaliyah that was beautiful." Jada said as Janet reached across to wipe Toni's tears. "Okay on to why we are here. These two people in front of me are both good friends of mine. Never did I think that they would end up together but here we are. We are here today to witness them cementing their love for each other. Both had written what they wanted to say, so without further ado. Janet please begin."

"I'll start back when we first met, Toni. The first day I met you, you captured my heart and I didn't know it then, but then about two years later I figured it out. I didn't want to live without you but in order for you to come into your own I had to let you go. In the time we were apart I went through a lot but in the end somehow we found our way back to each other. Since you reentered my life almost a year ago, it's been beautiful. The things I struggled with you accepted without question. You helped to heal me. I am a different but better me because of you. You are my heart without I couldn't live and I see that now. Toni you are the sunshine after the rain." Janet took a breath to keep from letting her tears fall. "I am forever grateful to God for him creating you just for me. You are the butter to my bread. The waves to my ocean. The sun to my moon. The water to my flower. Without you I couldn't live, so today I am standing before you, my family and friends telling you that I will love you forever. I promise to cherish everyday with you, appreciate the good and the bad, never to go to bed mad and to love you with all my heart. Today Toni Michele Braxton I dedicate my love and life to you. I can't wait to see what the rest of our journey looks like."

"Toni, I'll give you a second." Toni and Janet were both crying. Toni took a breath and cleared her throat.

"I'm sorry yall but this woman standing in front of me took my heart all over again. Woooo, Janet I know that day you handed me your phone number in that elevator that having you in my life I would never be the same. I made some decisions both good and bad and you still love me. It amazes me every day how much you love me. The time we were apart made my love for you grow stronger. The night I finally saw you again after our time apart I knew then I was never letting you go again. That night Joey saw me and told me that we should've been together and I couldn't agree more. You are it for me. My beginning and my end. I can't wait to live the rest of my life with you. Your heart is so pure and loving and I love that about you. You are the strongest woman I have had the chance to meet. The things you've been through would have made anyone else give up but you fought through. Now you're here with me. You are the stars in my sky. The bees to my honey. The water to my river. My love forever, today in front of our family and friends I dedicate my love and life to you. Baby, I can't wait to see where our journey goes either. Janet Damita Jo Jackson, I love you now and forever."

"The couple in front you have just committed to living the rest of there lives together forever. Please exchange your rings. They are indeed in love and will be for forever as they said. You may now kiss your woman."

Each put the rings on necklaces around each other's neck. They kissed and almost forgot where they were. They went inside with their family and friends gather around them and spent the night dancing and enjoying their family and friends. Their mothers had retired around twelve am and the party continued until about 2 am. Everyone ended up crashing at the house. Toni and Janet were now official and were ready for what their journey would be.

Well as official as they could be.

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