Cravings and False Starts

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A/N: Kinda short, I had major writers block for a while.

As Janet had progressed in her pregnancy she rarely went out because she was showing too much. At first most of her pregnancy weight went straight to her hips, thighs and ass but around 6 and a half months her belly became more prominent. She had just a small pouch that looked like someone had stuffed a pillow under her shirt. She only wore hoodies, tank tops and sweats the entire pregnancy anyway. With the hoodies her stomach always showed.

Throughout her pregnancy Janet had been recording new music and she had formed a real friendship with Jermaine Dupri, a producer from Atlanta who was responsible for many hits through the 90s and 2000s. She would hang out with him and they'd just talk about life. He would tell her about things that she never thought about or was exposed to. He took her to Magic City in Atlanta which was a very popular strip club. It pissed Toni off but she eventually got over it.

The paparazzi had caught Janet and Jermaine hanging out many times and begin to link them romantically. Neither Janet or Jermaine were going to refute the reports as it benefited them both. It brought him more exposure and Janet a somewhat beard type of situation. He knew about her and Toni and kept their secret without signing an NDA because he considered them both to be great friends. Jermaine even did craving runs for Janet while she recorded her music, it was funny to see him react to the many unusual combinations of food she would ask for. There was one that made him gag though, Janet asked for marshmallows and pickles. Even Toni agreed that the combination was horrible.

Janet was now almost eight months pregnant and for some reason, she was having the weirdest cravings the further her pregnancy progressed. She tried to stay out of the way of the media as much as she could when she went out. They didn't go out much as a couple and when they did go out they always took separate cars. But the cravings were kicking her butt and Toni's.

"Baby do we have Cool Ranch Doritos? And chocolate syrup and green grapes?"

Toni looked at her like she was crazy and then went to the pantry to check what they had.

"J, we don't have any chocolate syrup."

"Damn. Do you feel like going to get me some? Please?" She asked giving her wife the puppy dog eyes she couldn't resist.

"Yes baby, is there anything else while I'm out?"

"Sour patch kids and cream cheese."

"I know we have cream cheese, but I'll get the sour patch kids."

Toni went to the store with her hoodie and sunglasses on. She was happy that no one had recognized her. On the way back to the house she stopped at the gas station to get the sour patch kids. Toni got home and watched Janet eat a Doritos dipping them in chocolate syrup. Toni gagged quite a few times. When she was pregnant with Denim she only have cravings for about the first three months. Watching Janet eat this random stuff made her sick to her stomach but if she didn't stay in the same room with Janet she would cry. The hormones were kicking Janet's ass.

All of a sudden Janet began crying. Her mood swings had everyone running. Momma E would be coming soon.

"J, why you crying?"

"It was good at first but now this crap is nasty." She said through the tears.

"Baby I know. I was over here gagging watching you eat." Toni laughed.

"It's not funny Boop. It was good then all of a sudden it was just ewww. Why the heck you let me eat that?"

"J, if I didn't let you eat it you would still be crying and then you'd be mad at me."

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