Not What We Expected

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A few days later, Janet and Toni were sitting on an airplane flying to Maryland. Both were nervous for two reasons because they were flying and how Evelyn was going to take the news. They were holding hands and contemplating how this conversation could go. There were a lot of possibilities, some good and some bad. Either way the conversation needed to be had. Both fell asleep and didn't wake until the plane was beginning to land. Joey gently woke them up escorted them to the car and then went back for their bags.

They were staying in the same hotel that they had during Thanksgiving. They were personally escorted to their room by the hotel manager. This room was different from the last time. This room was decorated in red and black. The walls were vertically stripped in black and white. The furniture was black with red accents. The colors carried into the bedrooms and the bedrooms were opposite of each other. The view was still amazing.

Joey left their luggage in the bedroom and went to his room. The nervous energy coming from both of them was almost overwhelming. Neither drank often but they felt like they needed to tonight. They ordered room service and drinks. They ordered their favorite comfort foods and two Long Island ice teas and two shots of Hennessey. Tonight was going to be interesting. When they both get liquor in them the true freaks came out.

Janet and Toni ate their food and drank their drinks. Though they both thought they would be getting freaky. But with the jetlag and liquor they ended up falling asleep. Janet didn't sleep well, she didn't have a nightmare but her sleep wasn't restful. Because Janet didn't rest neither did Toni. They woke up and took a shower then called Evelyn.

"Hi Mommy, how are you?"

"I'm doing good no complaints."

"Are you busy today?"

"No not today, why?"

"Well I wanted to come talk to you. Actually, we wanted to talk to you."

"You and who else?"

"Me and Janet."

"How about I make yall some lunch? It must be important if you guys came all this way."

"It is, Mommy. We'll see around 12. Oh and Joey is also coming with us."

"That's fine, you know I always make more than enough."

"See you soon."

The nervous energy was starting to disappear. Toni went to look out the window. Janet came behind her hugging her waist and kissed her neck. The lovers looked out the window together just taking in the view. For the first time in days they weren't on edge. A peacefulness washed over them. Toni smiled and turned around placing her arms around Janet's neck. She kissed her girlfriend with all the love and passion she felt for her.

"I love you, Janet Damita Jo Jackson."

"I love you, Toni Michele Braxton."

"So we got an hour to kill. What should we do?"

"Uh-uh not that," she said smiling at Toni. "If we get started you know we won't make it to your mother's. Later Boop, I promise."

"Ok Daddy, later it is. Let's find something to watch."

They attempted to watch the TV but ended up just cuddling and kissing. The love between them couldn't be denied. It was felt between them and seen in every interaction by others. They got ready to go to Ms. Evelyn's house. Just as they were reapplying their lipstick, Joey knocked on the door. He escorted them to the car and began the journey to Ms. Evelyn's. They arrived 20 minutes later.

Joey got out the car and gave them a moment. They had told him why they were there and he knew they were nervous. So he was giving them time to settle themselves. Janet knocked on the window, Joey opened the door.

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