Birthday Surprise

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It's Janet's birthday and even though she's still shooting the movie Toni had some surprises for her. One of the first surprises is that she had 33 different bouquets of flowers sent to her trailer on set. Her trailer looked like a flower shop. They were four different kinds of flowers: sunflowers, calla lilies, roses and buttercups. The card read: You are my world and I don't know where I'd be without. We spent time apart but that only made my love stronger. Happy Birthday Baby, love You Know Who. There was another card that told why Toni picked the flowers there. It read: Sunflowers represent adoration and longevity. Calla lilies represent beauty. Roses, red for love, purple for enchantment. Buttercups for humility and playfulness. Every flower is a part of you. When Janet arrived on set Kelly her assistant immediately grabbed her and almost dragged her to her trailer. When she stepped inside her trailer tears immediately came to her eyes. Almost every surface in there was covered in flowers.

" so...beautiful." Janet said talking through her tears. More tears came when Kelly handed her the cards. As she calmed down she said, "I'm so going to get her. I told her I didn't want anything."

Eddie was walking by heading to make-up for the shoot he stopped at Janet's trailer because the door was open.

"Hey Jan, how are you? What's with all the flowers?"

"It's my birthday and someone special sent them to me."

"Happy Birthday. I didn't know you were seeing anyone."

"I am. You know how I like to keep my private life private."

"Yeah. I know, how the hell did you keep a marriage secret for almost ten years?" He asked but saw her face change and quickly changed the subject. "These are beautiful and I hope you have a wonderful day. See you in an hour." Luckily his make-up for Sherman didn't take nearly as long as the others. Kelly began telling her agenda for the day.

"Ok, in twenty you have to be at wardrobe, then make-up. Lunch is at 1230 today and yours is already planned. Shooting resumes at 230. Then your done at 515."

"Great, I can't wait."

Janet went over the scenes they were shooting for the day and then headed to wardrobe. Today was the dinner scene at the restaurant with the whole family. Of course, only her and Eddie's characters and the little boy were actually present everyone else was added in digitally during editing. The shot the scene three times, then quickly changed for the train station scene. By the time they were done with the train station scene the director was calling for lunch. They had been so caught up in the scenes they hadn't realized time had passed by so quickly.

"Hey Jan, what are you doing for lunch?"

"My best friend has something planned. I don't know what yet."

"Okay, we'll have to do something special for you today before we leave."

"Just don't make me cry." She said with a laugh.

She walked back to her trailer, Toni and Kelly were inside having a conversation. As soon as Toni saw her she hugged her and told her Happy Birthday. Kelly excused herself and went on to lunch with some of the crew. Toni locked the trailer door and started taking the food out of the bags. Janet got comfy on the couch and took off her shoes. Toni had gone to Benihana and gotten them take-out. She brought sushi, chicken and shrimp with noodles, hibachi salmon and vegetables.

"Before we eat, Boop I want my kisses." Toni scooted closer to Janet and leaned in to kiss her. Janet quickly deepened the kiss and Toni ended up straddling her lap.

"Daddy, we have to stop. You know we can't be quiet. I promise we will continue tonight." She kissed her one more time and got off her lap.

They fed each other different things. Soon they had had enough. They had finished their food quickly and since they couldn't do what they wanted they settled for cuddling. Janet and Toni ended up falling asleep with Toni laying on Janet while they slept on the couch. They didn't even make it to the bed that was in the back of the trailer.

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