Lunch and More

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Janet woke up early feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead. She smiled all throughout her morning routine. She grabbed an apple and then called Toni. Toni was just waking up and loved that Janet had called her. They made plans to meet for lunch. Janet spent the time until lunch working on a few new songs floating in her head.

They had decided to meet for lunch at a well-known diner not far from Toni's house. Toni walked to the diner and waited outside for Janet to arrive. Soon she saw Janet pull-up with Joey; they greeted each other and went inside. They requested a table far from the other patrons in the restaurant. Joey sat in a both behind the two and observed Toni and Janet as well as the people who recognized Janet.

"So what are you going to get?" asked Toni.

"I think I want a nice juicy burger with fries."

The waitress came to take their order and walked away.

"Toni, tell me something about yourself that you haven't told me already."

"Hmm, I graduated college with a degree in teaching, of all things."

"Wow, what was that like? I always wanted to go to college but that was when my career began taking off."

"It was an experience like no other. You go in this naïve teenager and leave there as a real adult. College makes you grow and change."

"Tell me a scandalous college story. I know you've got some." Janet said with a laugh.

"I will but I have some questions for you first. What would you have done if you hadn't chosen music?"

"Actually, music chose me. I wanted to be the one normal Jackson kid and go to college to get a business degree, maybe even go into law. But music is in my blood and my father saw that and gave me the push in the right direction. I don't think that I'd change the path I've taken."

"That interesting, Jan. I never would have thought that."

"Yeah, that's me," she said while blushing and putting her head down.

The waitress came back with their order and they began eating their food. Both glancing at eat other in a comfortable silence. As Janet finished up her food, she looked up at Toni and smiled.

"What, do I have ketchup on my face or something?"

"No, I'm glad that I met you. You are genuine which is hard to find in this industry. Don't ever lose yourself within this world."

"Thanks, Jan. You are so sweet."

"That's the second time you've called me that. I like it."

They finished their food and got up to pay. Toni reached for her wallet and Janet stopped her. Janet paid for their lunch and walked out the door. Joey followed close behind them, always keeping watch.

"Let's go somewhere. There's a place I think your will love." Janet said.

"Sure, let's go."

Janet and Toni approached the car and Joey held the door for them. He got in and asked where they were going. Janet simply replied, my favorite place. Joey knew exactly where she was talking about. He drove for about 30 minutes as the women in the back continued their conversation. Joey stopped the car at the top of a cliff and turned to them to say "We're here."

Janet hopped out of the car and pulled Toni along with her. Janet looked around and then looked at Toni. Toni took in the scene that was in front of her. She looked at the ocean with waves crashing below them and the sun still somewhat high in the sky. The breeze that blew off the water felt so good. It was a peaceful place to be. Toni closed her eyes and smiled, reveling in the moment.

"You like it?"

"It's beautiful Jan. What is this place?"

"This where I come when our world gets to be too much. I sit, write, and think. I take a moment to regroup before going back." She walked over to a rock and sat down. Toni sat beside her.

"I've been around for a while, but this is my first time being solo."

"It can be overwhelming sometimes. I use this place to keep me grounded."

"Thanks for sharing it with me."

"Anytime. I figured that you would need something like this."

"I definitely did. What are you thinking?"

"How beautiful you are...I mean...uhh" Janet blurted out and then stuttered.

"Thank you, Jan. Your beautiful too." Toni grabbed her hand.

"Can I tell you something?" asked Janet.

"Yes." Toni looked at Janet.

"I've had an attraction to both sexes since I was a teenager. I only ever dated men though. But there's something about you that I can get you off my mind."

"I feel the same. I can't get you off my mind either. I've never been attracted to another female but you are different. I just can't shake my attraction to you."

"We've only known each other for a few days but I would like to see where this goes."

"Me, too. But with our careers I know that it's going to be hard and we'll have to be undercover too."

"That's what I'm afraid of..." her sentence trailed off. "My emotions tend to show in my face a lot and I don't know if I could hide it, but I will try for you." Janet smiled and it moved something in Toni.

"All I can say it that I will try too."

The two women sat on the rock for a while longer and held hands. The sun started to set and neither had noticed how long they had been there. Joey was in the car still observing their interaction, he saw something between them, and he hoped that they had the courage and determination to make it work. Janet and Toni made their way back to the car after looking at the sunset. It wasn't quite completely set but it made the sky turn a purple orange color. Joey started the car and head back to the city. Toni told him her address and he took her home.

Once at Toni's apartment Joey opened the car door for her and Janet stepped out also. She walked with Toni to her apartment. They walked inside quietly.

"Toni, today was great and I look forward to spending more time with you." She grabbed Toni's hand and rubbed her thumb across the back.

"I enjoyed today too. It was nice getting to see outside of the music world." Toni pulled Janet in for a hug. They hugged tightly and Janet couldn't help but to kiss Toni. It started slowly, Janet pecked Toni's lips and licked them. Toni slowly opened her lip and returned the kiss. Their tongues wrapped around each other's in a passionate battle for dominance. Toni grabbed Janet's head and slowly took control from her. Janet almost didn't want to stop but they had to.

Janet pecked Toni's lips one more time and backed away. "I'll call you when I get home." She left Toni's apartment quietly as she went in.

Toni could do nothing but think about how soft Janet's lips were. She touched her own lips and licked them still tasting Janet on them. Toni looked around her apartment in deep thought. She began her night routine and by the time she was done Janet was ringing her phone. They stayed on the phone until they fell asleep.

A/N : There will be multiple time jumps coming up. The first one will be in the next chapter.

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