Settling In

978 35 41

A/N: Long Chapter, I think that this is the longest one yet. This isn't even Thanksgiving or the Christmas chapter. I've just been doing a lot of writing. This will probably end up being a long story.

It's been about a month since Janet moved, it's almost Thanksgiving. Her relationship with Toni is the best, they have been carving out time between their busy schedules. Janet had been approached about possibly getting back into acting. She was skeptical, she hadn't done any acting work in years. She was seriously thinking about it though. The time she had been spending with Toni made her the happiest but she couldn't shake the feeling that her divorce was going to be a long drawn out process. Little did she know, a storm was coming.

Toni was living the life, spending time with Janet and doing her shows. She loved the Broadway feel, it made her feel accepted. She had also been spending more time with her sisters. It seemed like at least one of them visited each week. She loved it but hated that it cut into her time with her Daddy. Toni had just made it home from her Friday night show, all she wanted to do was shower and talk to her baby. She wished she could visit her Daddy but she wouldn't be able to see her until Saturday night but she needed her fix now. She called Janet.

"Hey Daddy." She said in her deep voice.

"Hey Boop, how was the show?"

"It was good, just missing you. I wish we had been able to get together tonight. Oh and do you mind if Tamar tags along tomorrow?"

"Damn, I regret making that promise now." She said with a laugh. Then yawned.

"You know I was thinking the same thing Daddy." Toni sighed.

"Boop, you know what calling me Daddy does to me. You keep saying it, so what you tryna do?"

"Who me? Nothing Daddy," she purred into the phone. Janet yawned again.

"Boop, stay on the phone with me until we fall asleep."

"Okay, Daddy. I can't wait to see you tomorrow." They stayed on the phone and fell asleep. Later on Janet got up in the middle of the night to write a new song. Sometimes the music wouldn't let her sleep.

Toni was still sleeping when Tamar arrived the next day. Tamar jumped on the bed with Toni and kissed her cheek. She repeatedly did it until Toni started to wake-up. Toni swatted her away.

"Daddy stop. I'm tryna sleep."

"Who the hell is Daddy?" Toni shot straight up in the bed. Toni was fully awake now.

"Nobody." Toni said.

"Uh-uh, don't do that Toni. It must be somebody you calling their name in your sleep. So I needs to know who is it?"

"Taymie, really please just leave it alone. I'm not ready to talk about it yet."

"Mmmmm, ok, but you know I'm not going to forget this." Tamar walked out Toni's bedroom and went to find Towanda. Toni was still sitting in her bed trying to get herself together. Toni was just glad Tamar hadn't pulled the covers off her because she just realized that her right hand was in her panties. That dream she had about Janet had her super wet.

Toni got up out of the bed and went to the bathroom to do her morning routine. Her shower felt extra great for some reason. She turned off the water and wrapped her towel around her body. She walked back into her room to grab her underwear. Umba was sitting on her bed with a smirk.


"Daddy, huh?"

"Damn it. Tamar."

"You should've known she was going to ask me. I gave her some bogus story. So let's talk about dinner. How are you going to keep your hands off J and you haven't seen her in almost a week?"

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