February 1999

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A lot had taken place in just two months. Janet had gotten the movie role alongside Eddie Murphy in The Nutty Professor 2. She was excited. She'll begin filming in LA at the beginning of March. Janet was trying to decide what to do with her loft in New York. She was leaning towards keeping it. It could always be a place to stay whenever she was in New York.

Toni was happy but still trying to recover from the bankruptcy and LaFace Records holding on to all her possessions. After talking to her lawyer and accountant she decided to sue them to get her possessions back. They had been served with the papers and neither L.A. Reid or Kenneth were happy about it. Toni really didn't care how they felt. They were doing shady shit and she was tired of being their victim. Her contract for Beauty and the Beast was up and she decided not to renew it. Since Janet was going back to LA she wanted to go too. They couldn't be apart for longer than a day. When they were apart Janet never slept well if she slept at all.

They were sitting in Toni's bedroom discussing what was next in their relationship. They knew that they couldn't live together, at least not right now.

"Boop, why don't you buy a condo? We can switch up where we sleep like we are doing here."

"That's a great idea. I'm going to need to stay with you until I find a place though."

"I know and I'm fine with that. It's other people that I think are going to have a problem with it. Mainly, your mother. She already looks at me crazy and this is just going to make it worse. She thinks I'm taking you away from your family."

"I was thinking the same thing. She knows I want to go back to LA but she doesn't think I'm serious."

"Why don't you call her and tell her how you feel. In two weeks I have to be on set."

"I will. I'll explain to her how I can't wait to get back in the studio. Maybe she'll take it better if I make it about my music."

"I can't wait to see Gil, and Tina. Shawnette is still not talking to me."

"How do you feel about that?"

"I understand how she feels. But like she said she's a dancer first and I expect her to be professional regardless of her feelings."

"You're right she needs to get it together."

The two weeks went by quickly, Toni finished her obligation of shows per her contract. She was both going to miss and not miss it. Broadway could be intense at times. She loved the time she had spent there and the friends she'd made. She was grateful for Broadway because it brought back to the love of her life. For once Toni was the first one up staring at the woman she wants to make her wife. She'd been thinking about it for a while. Sometimes she thought it was too soon but she knew that she loved Janet and wanted to be with her forever.

Their love was something that you didn't come across often. They were both grateful that they were able to be united. Life was absolutely wonderful. They were deeper in love than ever before. Janet and Toni were ready to go back to LA.

It was their last night in New York, so they both dressed and headed to dinner at Justin's. Dinner was great and their conversation was even better.

"I can't wait to get back to the Cali weather. It's too cold here. You know I hate to be cold."

"Me too. I don't mind the cold but I had gotten used to the Cali weather."

"I am super nervous to go back to working on a set."

"It's going to be okay. You got this. So what's the movie?"

"It's the Nutty Professor 2. Eddie and I go way back, it's going to be funny seeing him play the different roles of his family. It will be very hard for me to keep a straight face."

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