Spring Break Shenanigans

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Spring Break had finally rolled around and Toni was prepping the kids to go see their Mama on tour. Janet had purposely carved the week out of her tour to spend with her family. The kids didn't know it but there were all going to Disney World. Janet had her last show for a week the previous night in Orlando, Florida. Toni and the kids would be arriving soon, Janet had sent the jet to go get them. Alex was also with them. When the plane landed all three kids came running down the steps jumping on Janet, little Aaliyah was the last to get to her mama. Janet smiled so widely at seeing her kids, she missed them. Toni missed her even more, it was interesting trying to juggle three kids and taping for the sisters' tv show. Alex and Joey got all of their bags loaded into the truck and strapped the kids in. Toni made her way to her wife and at first just hugged her putting her face in her neck breathing in her scent that she missed so much.

When they pulled away slightly their lips met in a deep kiss. They pecked each other's lips a few times before getting into the car with the kids and heading to the resort. Once the cars entered the gate of Disney World the kids got super excited. Denim tried not to show his joy but it was evident in his huge smile. Serenity immediately started talking about meeting all the princesses. They were staying in the most expensive suite in Disney's Animal Kingdom. Janet went inside to check in the hotel and grab the room keys for Joey and Alex. Back at the care the told to pull up to the back entrance so that they wouldn't be bombarded by fans. The women knew that they were going to have to keep sunglasses and hats on at all times while in the park.

The flight had been long and the first thing Toni wanted to do was to shower. Janet joined her while the kids played on their devices and messed with their Uncle Joey. Gil and some of the kids would be staying the hotel too but the wouldn't check in until the next day. Once the couple were done with showering they kissed and hugged all over their kids and cuddled with them. They ordered dinner to be brought to their suite so that they wouldn't be bothered during their family time. After dinner Janet put all the kids to bed giving her wife a break. By the time she made it back to their bedroom, Toni was fast asleep. Janet hung up her robe and got in the bed with her wife pulling Toni to her.

Their first day in the park went surprisingly well as many people just thought that they were spending time with their husbands and kids. With their hats and sunglasses secured at all times you really couldn't tell that you were in line behind two world superstars and their kids. The second day one of the workers at the Princess breakfast Janet took Serenity recognized her. She pulled the young lady to the side and bribed her, telling her that as long as she didn't say anything, she would give her tons of free tour stuff including t-shirts, a hoodie and jacket. Of course, the young lady agreed and didn't mention Janet and Serenity at all. On the third day Aaliyah knocked Janet's hat off while throwing a tantrum and most of the people in line knew immediately who she was. She had to be rescued by Joey.

Toni and Janet planned to each spend some quality time with their children, which is how Janet ended up taking Serenity to the Princess breakfast. Toni spent her time with Denim exploring the Animal Kingdom park all day. He really enjoyed it. Aaliyah although she was young loves seeing Mickey and Minnie. She even let Minnie hold her, which was a surprise to her mother, usually she didn't do well with new things. Midway through their family time week, Uncle Joey volunteered to watch the kids while Janet and Toni had some quality time. They went to Disney after dark, watched the fireworks and had a romantic dinner. Getting back to their hotel the wives just spent the rest of the night cuddling and sleeping.

While in Disney World they celebrated Serenity's third birthday. She got to dress like a princess and wear a custom-made tiara, with gold jewelry. The whole day she acted even more of a diva than usual. Janet and Toni recorded all of her antics that day just to prove to Tamar that Serenity was her mini me. Tamar always denied that Serenity was extra just like she was.

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