Emotions Taking Me Over

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To say that Janet was not looking forward to this dinner was putting it mildly. She had been anxious all day not knowing how she would face Shawn. She had no idea what to say or how to say that she didn't love her. It was a feeling she hoped to never feel again. After checking on the food she cooked she went to take a bath hoping to relieve some of the tension in her body.

After the bath, she put lotion on her body and dressed in a simple tank top and jeans. She knew this was about to be all kinds of stressful. Before leaving her bedroom, she called Toni.

"Baby, I miss you."

"Aww, I miss you too. I can't wait to see you." She spoke in a hushed tone. "My sisters decided to visit me today, they're here now. I had to walk away, so they wouldn't be all up in my business." In the background you could her the boisterous laughing of her sisters. As soon as she mentioned her sisters, they all began to look at her.

"Yall look, she over there smiling all hard, almost blushing. Let's find out who she talking to." Trina said.

"Oooh from the way she over cheesing it's probably a man. Let's do this." Tamar said. "Now who gonna go take it?"

Throughout this whole conversation Towanda stayed quiet. She just observed Toni's body language and knew exactly who it was on the phone.

"I'll do it," Traci walked over to Toni.

"Toni who you talking to in this corner that got you smiling like that?" said Traci. She took the phone from Toni.

"Hello, who is this?"

Janet didn't say anything.

"Hello, I know Toni wasn't talking to no air."

"It's Janet," she said softly.

"Janet who? And what yall talking about that got my sister over here cheesing it up?" The other sisters were blocking Toni from getting her phone back. Towanda doing her best not to laugh at Toni's face.

"Janet Jackson, and we were discussing possibly getting together the next time I'm in New York."

"Theeeeeee Janet Jackson, like Michael's little sister?"

"Yes," she said chuckling at Toni's sisters' antics.

"Ooooh girl, I love you. That concert on TV was awesome. I loved it!" Traci said being a whole fan girl at the moment.

"Trai, that's really Janet Jackson?" asked Tamar "Give me that phone. I want to talk to her." Tamar and Traci switched places while still keeping Toni from her phone.

"Um, hello Ms. Jackson if ya nasty."

"You must be Tamar." She said laughing.

"Yep, you got that right. So what were you and my sissy really talking about?"

"Tamar give me back my phone." Toni said starting to get mad they had taken over her phone.

"I already told Traci, we were talking about getting together the next time I come to New York. What are yall doing to Toni?"

"Oh just keeping her away so I can talk to you. Sooooo when is this happening and can I go with yall?"

"Sure, that's if you're there when I visit your sister."

"Ok I'ma make sure I'm here, Can't wait to meet you Ms. Jackson."

"Great can I speak to your sister?"

"Here Toni. Put it on Speaker. I want to know if yall were really talking about going out. Cuz I think yall was bussing it up talking about some man." Tamar handed the phone back to her sister. If Tamar really knew the truth, they would be outted the next day. Tamar talks too much. Toni put the phone on speaker.

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