Behind The Velvet Rope

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"Hi, Jan."

"Hi, Toni."

The hugged each other and Janet started crying. Toni just held her. Gil walked pass the door and saw Janet crying. He didn't recognize who she was hugging until he got closer and saw Toni.

"Hey Dunk, you ok?"

"Hey Gil, yeah I'm ok. Hey have you met Toni Braxton?" Janet wiped her tears and held on to Toni in a sideways hug. "Uh, me and Toni go way back. I never told you about her?"

"No, Dunk and you tell me everything. You know I wanna know about this and I will not take I don't know as an answer. Toni are you coming to the party?"


"Sure Gil, she'll be there as my special guest."

"Okay then I'll see you guys in a few." Gil left to go be with rest of the Kids.

"What do you say? Want to be my special guest tonight?" Janet looked at Toni with her big brown eyes. Toni couldn't say no to those eyes.

They chatted about nothing for a few minutes and then Toni asked a more serious question.

"Jan, how are you?"

"I'm finally in a good space. Getting rid of Rene and I'm ready to move on. There's a lot I have to tell you but not tonight." She grabbed Toni's had and began walking out The Garden. Joey escorted them to the car but not before the kids saw them talking, walking and holding hands. Gil and Shawn shared a look. Shawn shrugged it off and keep walking. Gil knew better, Janet never cried in front of strangers. He knew there was more to it.

At the club, Janet was grooving and just having fun. Toni was right beside her having just as much fun. The were in the VIP section when the kids pulled Janet to the dance floor. She and Gil danced together and he asked a question.

"What's up with you and Ms. Braxton?" He said with raised eyebrows. He noticed how Janet looked at Toni. That look wasn't no friendly look, it was we know each other intimately look.

Janet gave him the finger wave and said "Not here, not right now. I'm having too much fun. We will talk later." Janet enjoyed her dance and headed back to the VIP section.

"Hey Toni, are you enjoying yourself?"

"Yes, I am. You and the kids are something to watch. I love their energy."

"I'm in New York for a couple more days. Do you want to hang out with me?"

"Sure, it just so happens that I'm off for the next four days."

"Great, I can't wait."

They danced until they couldn't anymore. Around 1:30 Janet started to get tired and really sleepy. She went to tell Gil that she was leaving. Usually Gil, Shawn or Tina slept with Janet, sometimes all three. She didn't need them to sleep though. They all knew what she had been through and wanted to keep a watch over her. It was their way of protecting their friend.

"Ready to go?" Janet asked.

"Yes. I am really tired."

"Would you like to come back to the Hotel with me?"

"Sure, I'll have Umba bring me some clothes in the morning."

"Who's Umba?" Janet asked as she stepped into the car.

"She's my sister and my assistant."

"Oh, okay."

"Jan, if there were someone else, I wouldn't be here with you."

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