The Problem

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As the days went by and Toni and her band which Keri was apart of his advances became more and more upfront. He was persistent even though Toni turned him down every time. He really liked Toni. She foresaw him being a major problem especially when she would leave to begin promoting the her album. One late night while finishing a late practice Keri approached Toni.

"Hey, how are you? You sounded great tonight."

"Thanks." She turned to grab her purse.

"Why do you keep turning me down every time I ask you out? I've asked around and everybody told me you're single. So what's the deal?"

"I'm just not interested right now."

"Not good enough. I know you're feeling me." He said confidently. He moved closer to her. She turned and he was too close. She looked up at him and went to move past him. He blocked her path.

"Toni, just give me a real reason why and I'll leave you alone." She looked down and was fighting herself trying not to punch him. He mistook her silence as opportunity.

It happened so quickly, her pushed her chin up with his fingers and kissed her. She didn't kiss back, she pushed him hard and walked away. She was fighting tears as she drove home to her wife.

Janet was watching tv, which was rare for her lately. She looked up from the tv when Toni walked in. The look on Toni's face was very concerning. It was a look of anger and disgust. Janet didn't like it one bit.

"Boop, what the matter?"

"He..." she swallowed hard fighting angry tears. "He kissed me J. I didn't reciprocate but what would give him the idea that I would want that? I've turned him down every time."

"Babe come here." Janet held Toni and let Toni cry. She knew that they had to do something about this Keri situation quick. "Why don't we stick with the plan except you ask him over to talk? We need to handle this ASAP."

"That's exactly what we're going to do."

They ate dinner together, took a shower and went to bed holding each other. Toni and Janet slept peacefully. Toni woke up the next morning before Janet because she couldn't get Keri's actions off her mind. Janet could feel her thinking.

"Michele what's on your mind so early this morning?" Toni looked up at Janet because she hadn't realized Janet was awake.

"I can't get it out of my head. I need to know why."

"How about we both stay home today and just relax. I think we both need it. You can get in touch with Keri and invite him for dinner. I'll step out to go to the store or something and casually come in once you let met know he's here."

The couple spent the day just lounging catching up on missed tv, news and family. They cooked breakfast and lunch together but decided to order dinner out. Kenny had put her in contact with Keri and he would be coming for dinner. They had already had the NDA drawn up all they needed was his signature. As they made lunch Toni came up with a great idea.

"Hey babe?"

"Yes, what's up?" Janet looked at her face and knew something was on her mind. "What are you thinking Michele."

"What if we use this situation to our advantage?"

"What do you mean?"

"How about we use Keri as my love interest to keep suspicion away from us."

"That could work but he'll have to get over this infatuation he has with you."

"We will take about tonight."

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