The Day Out #2

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Janet woke up to the sun shinning on her face, she looked down at the love of her life sleeping peacefully. She really didn't want to wake Toni, but she had to pee really bad. She smiled and shifted Toni gently that little bit of movement caused her to wake right up.

"Don't go babe." Toni said in her deep raspy morning voice.

"I'm coming right back. Just gotta pee." Janet went to the bathroom, used it and brushed her teeth while she was in there. Getting back in bed the she asked Toni a question.

"So babe, what do you want to do today? I think I want to go out."

"I'm fine with going out. We can stop by my place so I can get some more clothes and then go wherever you want." Toni got up, went to the bathroom used it and brushed her teeth also. "Hey, do you want to take a shower with me?"

"Nope." Janet smiled back at her.

"What you mean nope?" Toni pouted.

"Cause babe if we get in the shower together, we won't be going anywhere."

"Got it. I really am looking forward to spending the day with you."

Toni started the shower water and waited for it to get hot like she liked. Janet checked her phone and made some calls while she waited for Toni to get out the shower. She called Gil to make sure he was ok and to see what time his flight left tonight. Their conversation was quick, he was flying out at 8pm because he promised to teach a class in the morning. He informed Janet that Shawn was freaking out. She heard her in the background being extra. "Put her on the phone, Gil."

"Shawnette Heard get your shit together. I promise you I am fine. Actually, better than fine, please don't worry about me. Ask Gil, he can't give you details neither can I. Just know that I've been sleeping, and I haven't had any panic attacks in a week."

"Okay Booty, but I want to see you before we catch our flight. I have to see you for myself."

"Alright I will come down to your room in about a half hour." She hung up the phone just as Toni stepped out the bathroom. Toni walked over to the stand that her bag was sitting on and put on her underwear. Janet just watched her girlfriend in amazement.

"Let me go get in the shower before I do something to cause us to not leave the room again today."Janet mumbled. Toni chuckled because she heard what Janet said.

She walked past Toni and lightly smacked her ass. She went in the bathroom to start her shower; she stuck her head back out the door first. "Babe, I made us lunch reservations at 12:30 and before we go out, I have to go see Gil and Shawn."

"Okay Jan." Toni proceed to continue putting on lotion.

It took Janet about 20 minutes to shower and another 10 to get dressed. They walked out of the suite together seeing Joey waiting for them at the elevator. The elevator stopped on the 18th floor and Neal got on. Neal escorted Toni to the car waiting at the private entrance. Janet went to go see her friends. Joey was right behind her. She knocked and waited.

"Hey guys."

"Janet Damita Jo Jackson, who have you been fucking?" Shawn said, she never did have a filter.

"I...I haven't been...with anybody."

"J, you are the worse liar. And it's all over your face. You're glowing and you have yet to stop smiling."

"So who is the lucky guy? Is it Kamaal?"

"It's most definitely not a guy." Gil mumbled lowly.

"What did you say Gil?"

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