Airplanes and Blue Dreams

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September 2001

Janet was on a week break from her tour. They had moved back in July to the six-bedroom house. They had a professional decorator come in to furnish and make the house look nice. The only room Rob, the decorator didn't do was the nursery. Janet and Toni had decided to do it for themselves. The room was gray and mint green. It would be used for future babies too, so they went with neutral colors. The crib was custom made gray washed wood and had a matching dresser and changing table. The baby's closet was over filled. They were glad that the room had a walk-in. Toni the neat freak had organized everything so nicely. Diapers and wipes had their place, clothes had theirs, sneakers and shoes were on a shelf and blankets also had their own shelf. The room was ready for the baby.

Toni was nine months pregnant and could have the baby any day even though her due date wasn't until the end of the month. She and Janet were relaxing, cuddled up with each other reading. Both women were reading baby books to make sure they were as prepared as they could be. The door to the deck was open and the ocean breeze was bringing calming salty air. The baby kicked and he hit Janet in the cheek as she was laying on Toni's lap with her face pressed to Toni's belly.

"Hey little man, did you have to kick Mama?" Janet turned her head and kissed his little foot that was pressing against Toni's skin.

The baby responded to Janet's voice more than anything. Whenever she talked to him, he would get to moving around. Both would sing to him and he would go to sleep. The TV had been on but the volume was low and neither was really paying attention until a burning building flashed across the screen. Toni looked up and turned the volume up.

This just in folks an airplane has hit one of the World Trade Center buildings in New York city. We don't have a lot of information but we do have a live feed of the destruction. My god folks another plane has just hit the other tower. Both buildings seem to be collapsing. The live feed cut out as a cloud of dust appeared. The anchorman in the studio continues to relay whatever information he could. Ladies and Gentle we are now getting word that two other planes believed to be heading to the Towers have crashed. One crashed into the side of the Pentagon and one crashed in Pennsylvania. This is catastrophic, we have no idea of the amount of deaths right now. We will continue to keep this feed up as more information continues to come in.

Both women looked at the TV and then each other and we genuinely scared for what would happen in the next few minutes as well as days. They had tried to get in touch with people they knew in New York but all the circuits were overloaded and caused them to shut down. As the days went on more information about the attacks was released. Turns out that a militant Middle Eastern group was claiming responsibility for the attack. The damage done to the buildings caused them to collapse trapping people under the rubble. Fire crews and EMT from all over the country week to New York to help with the search for people and clean-up of the debris.

Janet ended up canceling the remaining dates on her tour and apologized to her fans. They understood why it needed to be done.

September 22, 2001

The day started as any other day with the couple they woke up showered, made the bed and cooked breakfast. Janet was glad that she was home and able to spend this time with her wife. Momma E had arrived right before the 9/11 attacks happened. She happened to be spending time with Tamar on this day. The morning was a normal morning for them. It was a beautiful fall day and they decided to sit on the deck and just look out at the ocean. Toni ended up falling asleep. Janet just enjoyed sitting with her wife and thinking.

While Toni was asleep, her water broke waking her up and wetting both of their clothing. Janet quickly jumped up asking Toni is she was okay. They had decided on having a water birth at home.

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