I think I want...

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Life for the Braxton-Jackson clan was great. Janet really became the mother she wanted to be and was so involved in her kids lives. Toni was also a great mother too. Denim was a thirteen-year-old typical boy, Serenity was a rambunctious eight year old who swears she knows everything, Aaliyah was in kindergarten and showing out, but in a good way. The teacher was even suggesting skipping her to first grade but Janet and Toni decided against it, she may have been smart enough but her maturity wasn't there yet.

Janet and Toni's relationship was solid and they always took time for themselves. It was vacation time for them and the kids didn't want them to go. Tamar and little Vince would be staying with them while the mothers got away. They decided on going to the Switzerland countryside for fresh air and tranquility. The plane ride was quite fun, the couple had already joined the mile-high club, this trip just added another level to it. When they got to their hotel, they had the penthouse suite big enough for ten people. It had four bedrooms each with it's own bathroom, a deck with a jacuzzi tub, and a game room. It was a great suite to spend two weeks in. The couple had made it a point every year to have a vacation only for them. On this trip they would probably go horseback riding, kayaking, and Janet definitely wanted to spend the night under the stars on the deck.

Toni was loving the elegance of the room and the décor matched with both women's esthetics. Janet was dark and mysterious but over the years began to like grays and greens, Toni loved gold and lighter colors. On the fourth night of their trip the couple was laying in bed talking and with the tv on for background noise. The women spent their days relaxing and enjoying the outdoors, their nights and sometimes days were spent making love.

There plane had just landed and it was late at night so there weren't many paparazzi around. They few that took pictures had labeled them as "Janet Jackson and Mystery woman return to LA." That never really phased the two women. They weren't afraid to share their relationship with the world they had just become complacent in keeping their bubble closed.

The following morning the couple woke to a raging storm. The clouds were almost black and the rain was continuously falling.

The women were cuddled together catching up on some of their tv shows they missed. When a show neither was interested in came on they began to talk to each other.

"Boop, I think I want another baby."

"What? We too old to be having another baby J." Toni thought about it anyway, slowly changing her.

"I know there's more risk now but I would love to have another little boy running around."

"Do you want to have the baby or adopt?"

"That's where I'm conflicted. I kinda want to have it but I'm concerned about how my body will handle it. I don't mind adopting but can that be our final choice if IVF doesn't work?"

"To be real I do miss when Champ was a baby and when he was little. Let's have another baby. I hope it's boy this time."

"So we'll start with talking to the doctor soon. Now that's out the way, let's take a nap. This rain is lulling me to sleep."

Even though they were both now older they still slept in only three main positions. Toni was either on top of Janet as she laid on her back, Toni was snuggled into Janet's side with their legs wrapped around each other, if Janet slept on her stomach Toni would be laying on her back. Nobody understood how they slept in those positions but it was some of the best sleep ever when they were all over each other. After having children they had learned to sleep in panties and t-shirts. The kids had made their way into their bed too often. They were sleeping snuggled next to each other with smiles on their faces.

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