Baby Showers and the Little Diva

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This baby shower was going to be different from the last one they had because it was going to be a complete surprise to both women. After finding out the sex of the baby the Jackson and Braxton sisters put their heads together to plan a surprise baby shower for their favorite couple. Janet was almost eight months pregnant and she has been really moody lately and just didn't want to around people. The sisters thought that this might cheer her up.

What was really bothering Janet is that she missed her brother and knowing he wouldn't ever get to see or hold the baby bothered her. As her due date approached she began to get happier and today she and Toni would be going out shopping with Tamar. Tamar had told them to wear jeans and white shirts as well as dress Denim and Serenity the same way. They wondered why they needed to be dressed a certain way in order to go shopping, nevertheless they did it anyway. They were all dressed and ready to go by the time Tamar got to their house which was a miracle. The Braxton-Jacksons were late to everything because they took forever to get dressed.

"Oooo look at my baby! Ren you look too cute and I know ya mama did your hair cuz ya mommy never knows what to do with it." Toni always put Serenity's hair in two big puffs, two braids or one puff. Janet was the one who had patience to sit and do Serenity's hair because she hated for it to look messy. Today Serenity's hair was in about 10 ponytails with white and clear ballies and barrettes.

"Thank you Auntie Tay I know I'm beautiful."

"Girl you are, mmmkay. Now where are your mothers?"

"We're right here."

Janet and Toni were at the bottom of the stairs wearing matching outfits. Their jeans were a medium blue color with white Ralph Lauren T-shirts. Serenity had on a skirt the same color with her white shirt and Denim had on jeans and his white shirt.

"Yall look too cute. Can I take a picture of yall?" They all quickly posed for the picture.

"Alright are yall ready for our shopping adventure?"

"Yes I can't wait to buy the baby some clothes."

Tamar had already given Joey the directions to where they we going. As soon as everyone got in the car he headed in the opposite direction of the mall. Janet and Toni were speaking silently to each other through their eyes. Tamar was texting someone and the kids were enjoying the ride.

"Ok Taymie, where are we going the mall is in the opposite direction."

"We're going to a new mall I discovered last week."

"Mmmhmmm." Janet replied. She knew something was up when she told them to dress a certain way. As she looked at Tamar's outfit she had on jeans too. She couldn't see her shirt for her winter coat.

About a half an hour later they pulled up to the door of what looked like an old warehouse. There were cars there but the people getting out the care weren't really paying attention. Joey helped Janet out the car and went to get back in to park the SUV. Tamar grabbed Janet and Toni's hands as Denim opened the door them. They walked into a dimly lit foyer and passed a set of double doors. They entered into the second set of double doors into their surprise baby shower. The extra-large room was filled with all their family and friends who yelled surprised at soon as they saw them. Everyone was dressed in the same attire jeans with white shirts. It was too cute. The room was decorated with balloons, streamers, flower, clouds, unicorns and rainbows all complimented with touches of gold.

The party began as soon as they sat down. They were served chicken with cheese, at least Janet was, Toni just has chicken, mac and cheese and green beans. Before they ate, they had been draped in sashes with mommy to be written on them. Tamar also got them a custom-made banner with the baby's name on it. It was directly behind the table Janet, Toni, and the kids were seated at. They played some baby shower games after eating and then decided to open gifts before they cute their cake. It seemed as though they were opening gifts for forever. One thing they knew was that their new little princess was going to have everything just like her sister. Aaliyah Neveah Braxton-Jackson was well taken care of at least for the next two years.

Toni and Janet thanked everyone for their many beautiful gifts and stood to cut their white, purple, pink and gold unicorn cake. The inside of the cake was a layered rainbow, each cake used to mold the unicorn was a different color.

When the baby shower began to wind down, Toni called Alex to bring their old Excursion to put all the gifts in. It took Alex and Joey about an hour to pack the large truck. By the time they had finished the cleaning company hired was beginning to clean up the event space. Joey made sure everyone made it to the other SUV he drove them in. Tamar decided she wanted to spend the night at the Braxton-Jackson residence.

"Thank You Tamar. We're going send all of you something. So just be on the lookout."

"Your welcome my favorite sisters. There will be no screams of Daddy tonight mmmkay. Not while I'm in the house."




"Damita Jo."



"You'll never know what's going on if you can't hear it." Janet smile and walked away as Toni chuckled at the antics of her wife and sister.

What Tamar didn't know was that after moving Serenity to a different room they had their room renovated. Their room was now soundproof and there's a wet bar in the hallway that connects their room to the baby's room. It made it much easier to get to the baby at night.

The closer it got to Christmas and to Janet's due date. Serenity began to get more attitude and clingy with Janet. She was smart and knew that there would be a baby coming soon and she wouldn't be the baby anymore. Serenity's diva ways became worse the closer to the end of December. She wouldn't let Janet out of her sight and even began to sleep with her mothers. It was driving both women crazy they needed their time together because once the baby came it was game over for them for a while. But their daughter had other plans.

Christmas eve after her parents had put her to bed and gone to sleep themselves Serenity decided to go to their room and get in their bed. They were cuddled together with Toni pressed to Janet's side and her right leg thrown over Janet's left leg. At least this night they had fallen asleep in their pajamas. They hated wearing pajamas to bed but ever since the baby shower they had to. It was not a night since then that they had been able to sleep with just each other in their bed.

Since Serenity couldn't get in between her mothers she snuggled up on the other side of Janet. Usually the women would fall asleep tangled up in each other and by the time Serenity came in they would separate. That little bit of room they left Serenity would push her was into curling into her Mama. One thing about Serenity she wasn't a wild sleeper wherever she fell asleep was usually where she stayed except in her own bed.

Christmas morning Denim woke them up at the ass crack of dawn, the sun wasn't even up yet. He was anxious to open his presents. His mothers and sister could care less but they all got up and went downstairs. This year their tree was Hello Kitty, Denim didn't like it but he also didn't hate it. The tree had been painted white with pink, black and silver ornaments along with numerous Hello Kitty ornaments. All the present including the gifts Toni and Janet bought each other were wrapped in either pink or white Hello Kitty wrapping paper. Once Serenity realized it was time to open gifts she perked right up and went to tearing up her wrapped gifts. She was like a little tornado.

Denim got an Xbox and Playstation 3, those were the two main gifts he was excited about. He also got numerous games to go with both as well as clothes, sneakers, and other cool toys. Serenity was walking around in the mock high heels that came with her princess set that Tamar had gotten her. She was acting just like Tamar too. They really needed to stop letting Tamar babysit their daughter. Serenity also got tons of toys, clothes and shoes. Toni bought Janet her own Playstation and some games, all of the SceneIt games, some random board games and some 'special' toys. They had opened their toys the night before but fell asleep before they could get to use them. Janet added to Toni's shoe collection with five new pairs, a Gucci purse she had wanted and a new watch.

There Christmas went well and so did their New Year's celebration however there was still no baby. Janet's due date of December 28th had passed and Miss Aaliyah had yet to make her appearance.

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