It's a Date

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It's been another long and tiring week for both Janet and Toni, both are mentally and physically exhausted. Janet plans a special date for them. She had been wanting to do this for a while but it seemed something always came up. It Friday evening and Janet is on the phone making sure that everything is in place for tomorrow. Everything would be a surprise to Toni. As soon as Janet hangs up the phone, Toni calls.

"Daddy, I wish you were here."

"Boop, I do too, but we get to spend all day together tomorrow. How was your day?"

"It was good, I can't complain. So what are we doing tomorrow?"

"You'll see tomorrow."

"Aww, I wanna know now."

"Nope, not telling you."

"Okay. Subject change, what are you doing for the holidays? Thanksgiving is next week."

"I haven't celebrated Thanksgiving in a while because I was never home. I don't know what I'm doing."

"Do you want to come to Maryland with me?"

"Sure, why not? I'm not doing anything and I get to spend time with you."

"We are definitely staying at a hotel. My family is way too nosey, so we're gonna have to play it off really good."

"That's cool with me. It will give a chance to try out my acting." She says with a chuckle.

"I guess I can keep my hands to myself for one day."

"Boop, it won't be that hard. Cause when we done eating we going to the hotel to get into some things."

"Well then its settled, Daddy. Your spending Thanksgiving with my family. I'll call my mom and tell her I'm bringing a guest. Of course all their jaw are going to drop when you walk in."

"I'll be bracing myself for it. So we going the BFF route?"

"Definitely because you are. They don't need to know anything else."

"Good, that is fine with me."

"It's going to be crazy Babe."

"Have you forgotten I'm a Jackson, anything you name my family has probably done ten times worse." She says with a laugh.

"Babe, I don't see the superstar when I look at you. I just see Janet the human being and that's who I love. You love me unconditionally and I thank you for that."

"I can say the same about you Toni Michele Braxton. I love you beyond the farthest-reaching galaxy. I love you for exactly who you are."

"Aww baby don't make me cry."

"You know I love you, forever."

"I love you more."

"Goodnight Boop, see you in the morning."

"Goodnight Daddy love you. See you in the morning."

They both slept peacefully after hanging up. Morning couldn't come soon enough for both of them. Waking up early the next morning Toni does her morning hygiene routine and then calls her mother since she has some time before Janet gets there.

"Hi, Mommy."

"Well hello, oldest daughter. I'm glad I exist in your world now." Evelyn says with a laugh.

"Mommy stop I just talked to you a few days ago about Thanksgiving."

"You not calling to cancel are you? Cause I haven't seen you in a month of Sundays."

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