One Hell of a Year- Part 1

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The year began with Janet on tour and Toni at home with the kids. Toni and the kids facetimed Janet every day. Although Janet tried to play it off, Toni knew something wasn't right. Every time she talked to her wife she looked fatigued and she kept complaining about headaches. Toni was definitely concerned but Janet didn't want to have to stop the tour or postpone any dates. What really drove it home that something was wrong was that Janet wasn't initiating sex nor talking about. That was beyond out of character for Janet and their relationship. Toni called Gil just to see how everything was going.

"Gilly the kid."

"Hey baby mama number two. I miss you! When you bringing my babies to come see us?"

"That's what I'm calling about. How does J seem to you?"

"She seems ok but she seems extra tired lately. And she keeps getting headaches."

"Yeah I noticed that too. Please keep an eye on her. There's something she's not telling us. I know my wife and she will keep pushing through until she drops."

"I know Tone, the headaches are scaring me to be honest."


Janet was in her hotel suite on the phone with Toni. Toni can clearly tell that something is wrong but Janet's trying her best not to show it.

"Baby you look pale. Have you been eating?"

"Yes, Michele I have."

"Janet Damita Jo Braxton-Jackson if you don't tell me what's going on right now I will be on the next thing smoking to be there."

"My head hurts really bad babe and I'm barely able to sit up let alone go on a stage and dance."

"Cancel the show. I'm on my way. I'll call the local hospital and let them know you're coming. It will be handled discreetly. Where is Kelly?"

"She went to..." her voice trailed off as she passed out.

Toni called Joey.

"Joey, Janet just passed out. Please go get her and take her to the nearest hospital. I'm on my way. Let me know the name of the hospital."

Joey called back 2 minutes later and said that they were taking Janet to Seattle Grace Hospital.

Toni called the hospital and asked to speak to their best doctor. The chief referred her to Dr. Bailey whom she spoke with. Within five minutes Dr. Bailey had a portion of the ER blocked off, only she and Dr. Karev were there.

"Bailey, what's going on?"

"We have a high-profile patient coming in. You have to keep your mouth shut. You're the only one that I think can handle this."

"Okay. Are you going to tell me who it is?"

"You'll see right now."

A big black SUV pulled into the ER entrance. People were looking at Bailey and Karev questioning what they were doing. Joey hopped out the truck and picked up Janet. She was awake but was complaining about her head hurting. While in the car Kelly had managed to put Janet on a hoodie and sunglasses. All you could see was her mouth.

"Dr. Bailey?" Joey asked.

"Yes, follow me. Karev move it."

"Lay her on the bed." Joey laid Janet down. "Ms. Jackson what's going on?"

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