Friends or Enemies?

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By morning Janet was in her loft taking a quick nap. She had slept on the plane along with Joey and James their newest bodyguard. She didn't always need James but she was bringing him because this was New York and she didn't have time for any crap. She put the guys up in a hotel near her. Joey decided to stay with her at the loft, he wasn't tired. He was looking forward to seeing Towanda again.

Around 9 am, Toni had just finished her interview and performance on GMA and wanted to eat some breakfast. Janet had contacted Towanda to tell her she was in New York and to bring Toni to one of their favorite diners in Jersey for breakfast. Janet had paid the owner more than he made in a week to close for a few hours so that the whole crew could have breakfast in peace. The diner was a nice place that looked small from the outside but had lots of space on the inside. It had that classic old school diner look both outside and inside.

Toni got into the waiting car and assumed that they were going back to the hotel for breakfast. When the driver got on the highway headed to the tunnel she looked at Towanda.

"Umba where are we going? I said I wanted breakfast."

"That's where we are going to get breakfast."

"No it's not. Why aren't we going back to the hotel?"

"You'll see in about fifteen minutes, so just enjoy the ride."

Toni sat back in her seat and looked out the window still very much pissed about Keri. She looked at the time and knew it was early in California but knew her wife was up probably reading or getting ready to go to the studio. She called Janet anyway not expecting her to answer, Toni just wanted to hear her voice. When Janet answered Toni was completely surprised.

"Hey Michele, how are you this morning?"

"Babe, why are you up so early?"

"You know me once the sun rises, I can't stay sleep. I'm headed to the studio early. There's this harmony that I can't get out of my head."

"I miss you already and its hasn't even been two days yet."

"I miss you too love." There was a commotion in the background as one of the waiters tripped over a chair while looking at Janet.

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing I accidentally knocked over the bar chair at the island not paying attention to where I was going."

"J you're a really bad liar. Where are you?"

"I can't tell you that."

"What the hell you mean J? Why can't you tell me?" That just made Toni even more mad.

"Baby, I love but I have to call you back."

"Damita do not..." She couldn't finish the sentence because Janet had already hung up. Janet knew Toni was big mad because she never called her Damita unless she was angry. Toni called her right back. Her phone rang and went to voicemail. Toni's already crappy mood got worse.

"Umba I want to go back to the hotel."

"Toni we will be there in 2 minutes." Towanda responded while texting Janet that Toni was pissed off. "T, you just need to eat, and you'll feel better. Why are you so angry?"

"My wife just hung up on me after I heard a strange sound in the background. Wouldn't you be mad too?"

"T you were mad before that. What the matter?"

"Nothing Towanda." Toni turned to look out the window. They were pulling into the parking lot of an old school looking diner and Toni remembered where they were. It was a place she and Janet had a few dates at when they were in New York. It was a quaint little spot that they both loved. She noticed the other SUVs that the band and her sisters had travelled in parked in the parking lot.

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