Thanks and Giving (Part 1)

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Two days before Thanksgiving Janet and Toni were at Janet's loft preparing to go to Maryland. Janet's nervous energy could be felt a mile away. She was walking around like a chicken with it's head cut off making sure she didn't forget anything. Toni noticed how frazzled Janet was, so she sat on the bed and watched her girlfriend for a few seconds before she grabbed her and pulled her into her lap.

"Daddy calm down. You have met my mother before and my sisters." She said as she absent-mindedly stroking Janet's thighs.

"I don't know why I'm so nervous."

"If you are like this at dinner everyone will know somethings up." Toni was now rubbing her back as Janet pressed a kiss on Toni's neck.

"You're right. I'm letting my nerves get the best of me."

"Daddy I know you got everything. Let's just take a minute and chill." Janet had changed positions in Toni's lap, now Toni was stroking her sides. It was calming but also turning Janet on. She put Toni's hands on her waist.

"Boop, what you're doing feels good but it's turning me on." She whispered while laying her head on Toni's shoulder. "Just hold me babe or we will be late getting on the road. You know Joey will have a fit."

They stayed in their embrace a little while longer. Janet had calmed all the way down and was waiting for Joey to knock on the door. As soon as she went to check on Toni, he knocked. Joey was going to drive them to Maryland since it was only a 3 and a half hour drive. Janet nor Toni were fans of flying so they were both cool with taking the ride. Joey loaded their things into the car and hit the highway.

During the ride the three of them talked about lots of things. Joey talked about his family and how they were dysfunctional and he chose to stay away. He eventually wanted to get married and have a kid or two.

"What about you guys? Are marriage and kids in the future?"



They spoke at the same time. They looked at each other and smiled. They hadn't had an in depth discussion about marriage and kids but they both knew that was their endgame. Janet couldn't live without Toni and Toni couldn't live without Janet. As Janet and Joey continued talking Toni's thoughts were filled with ways to tell her family about her relationship and that she wanted to be the one to propose to Janet this time around.

The ride went by quickly and eventually Janet and Toni fell asleep. Joey had pulled into the hotel and made sure they had a discreet entrance that his favorite ladies could use. He no longer thought of them as work but as his family he needed to protect. He had all the information for the room and took their bags in. They had gotten a two bedroom suite knowing that at least one of the sisters was going to want to stay with them. Both woke up from their nap and took in their surroundings. Just as they were doing that Joey came back to escort them to their room.

The room was a gorgeous two bedroom, two bathroom suite with a huge living area and a little kitchenette area. The color scheme for the whole suite was royal blue, cream and gold. The walls were wallpapered with a cream and gold pattern. The furniture was a royal blue with gold accents. The colors carried into the bedrooms, each room having a king size bed. The view from the window was amazing over looking Baltimore. There were hotels closer but none that Toni and Janet wanted to stay in. Joey being the awesome dude he is suggested they stay in Baltimore.

As the ladies settled in Janet got to thinking, she wanted to do something for a few of the local shelters. She asked Toni what she thought of the idea.

"Boop, Book where are you?"

"I'm in here," she called back. She was making the second bedroom look like she was using it.

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