Birthday Gifts

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September 22, 2006

Denim Cole was turning 5 and he had grown into a little gentleman. He always took care of his Mama (Janet) and Mommy (Toni). Today was his birthday and he was going to spend the day with his mommies. They had a whole day planned for him.

His day began with a specially cooked breakfast of his favorites. There were chocolate chip pancakes, cheese eggs and round sausages. He didn't like sausage links. Over the five years of his life he had grown into a gentle little boy who was caring and loving to everyone. He loved hugs and to cuddle up with his mommies. After breakfast they went to an arcade that they had rented out for the morning. There were his mommies, two of his cousins, and their trio of bodyguards. Denim would be going to school soon and they wanted to make sure he was protected at all times. So now they had Joey the OG, Alex, and Eddie. For lunch they went to a cool Chinese spot which was Denim's favorite. After lunch they went to the toy store and let him get whatever her wanted even though he would be having a birthday party on the following Saturday. For dinner they went to a small indoor amusement park that served pizza and wings.

Denim thought that was the best day ever. He smiled the entire day. Going home he rushed to his room with all his new toys. Joey took his cousins home. Toni helped him with bath time then they cuddled in his bed and Janet joined them.

"Hey loves."

"Hey Mama."

"Hey Babe."

She sat on the opposite side of Denim's bed and cuddled with her wife and son.

"How did you enjoy your day Champ?" Toni asked using his nickname.

"It was fun and I would do it all again tomorrow if I could."

"Sorry kiddo, you have school tomorrow." Janet said. She was waiting for him to ask the question that he'd been asking every night for the last year.

"Mama and Mommy, can I have a brother?"

Denim really wanted a sibling but the last few years his mothers had been busy still enjoying the success of their careers. They wanted to expand their family, but it never seemed to be the right time.

"Well about that Champ. You will finally get your wish. Mama is going to have a baby."

"What? Really?"

"Yes Champ but we don't know if it's a boy or girl yet. The baby will be whatever God decides to give us." Janet said.

The couple had finally had a break in their schedules, and it seemed like now would be a perfect time. They went through the IVF process this time with Janet and it worked. She got pregnant towards the end of July, so she was currently around eight weeks.

"Yayyyyy!" Denim screamed out he couldn't hold his excitement anymore. Toni and Janet were both covering their ears.

They were beyond pleased with his reaction. The thought that once he heard the news he would change his mind.

"Den we have to keep this as our little secret until Thanksgiving. Do you think you can do that? We are going to tell everybody when we got to Auntie Trina's house for Thanksgiving." Toni said.

"I'm going to try." He was so serious about him trying.

"Alright Champ, bedtime for real this time." They had sung to him Together Again as they had every night since he was two. He heard the song while at rehearsal with Janet and couldn't stop trying to sing it. That night before bed asked to sing it and since then both his mommies sang it to him every night.

Since finding out about her pregnancy Janet had been experiencing morning sickness. Luckily for her by midday she was fine and able to eat. At breakfast time all she could do was drink ginger tea. She and Toni had talked and decided that they would both take this time to record some new music and after the baby was born then they would release it. Both women were excited about this new addition that would be coming near the end of April. Now they just had to avoid family for a little while until Thanksgiving. Janet was gaining weight but right now it wasn't too noticeable.

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