Oh Baby

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January 2001

As soon as the new year celebrations were over Toni and Janet made an appointment to see the best IVF doctor in LA. They meet Dr. Robinson and were pleased with their choice. She was not aware that they were a couple. As far as she knew Janet was just there to support her friend through the process. The first meeting ended with them going home with information on top of information to read up on. Making a decision to go through with the process, they now need to choose a donor. Tamar and Gil were enlisted to help them pick a donor.

"Alright, let's get started. Each one of us has a stack of 20 men. Choose your top 5 and they are all black or brown." Toni said.

"Why they gots all be black or brown? Yall don't want no blasain babies?"

"There are brown Asians Tamar." Janet said laughing at her antics.

Gil had already started to look through his pile.

"Oh I think I found one already. He 6'1", Black and Puerto Rican, went to college and looks delicious."

"Lemme see Gilly Boo...cause you be having questionable taste sometimes." Tamar said.

Janet and Toni both laughed. Their night was definitely fun. Tamar and Gil bicker like two old ladies who've been best friends all their lives. They were down to the final two choices both ended up being black men.

"We are down to two donor 41987 and donor 10056. Let's list the pros and cons."

"Donor 41987 is Black, 6'5", Master's degree, two parent household, accountant. He's also brown skinned with curly hair. Donor 10056 also black 6'1", PhD, single parent household, college professor. A little darker than the first one and has a close cut but nice smile." Toni listed the things they liked about each one.

"Why both of yall short asses want these tall ass men as the donor? Your insides gonna be all rearranged after carrying that baby." Tamar said and Gil high-fived her.

"We can't help it if the two guys we think are good candidates just happen to be tall. Also do they have a large amount of sperm stored because we want all our babies to have the same father?" Janet asked.

"How many babies yall want?"

"Both have plenty according to these papers," Gil giggled.

"Two for now maybe more, Tamar."

"Have either gotten any other women pregnant?" Janet chimed in.

"Donor 41987 has not and the other has only one."

"I think we've made our decision."

They both spoke at the same time.

"Who's your pick?" they did it again speaking at the same time.

"I got this. J who did you choose?" Gil interrupted.

"Donor 41987."


"The same."

Toni and Janet got up and hugged each other sharing a passionate kiss.

"Ewww, virgin eyes." Tamar laughed.

"PG please." Gil said.

"Please Tamar you've seen more than this." Janet said when they finally took a breath.

"WHAT?" Gil yelled.

"We never told you how she found out about us?" Toni asked Gil.

"No baby mama, you did not."

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