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(multiple time skips within this chapter)

April 18, 2007

8:30 am

The day started with heavy downpours and winds. The water coming from the sky was beating against the house as it wanted it to fall. The women saw the rain and immediately made the decision to keep Denim home from school. He was happy and sleeping in while his mommies were beginning their day. Their day started as it usually did with both women doing their morning routines and showering together. Then they fixed breakfast together. The smell of food must of woke Denim because as soon as the last piece of bacon was done, he was climbing into the stool at the kitchen island. Toni made his plate while Janet grabbed him some apple juice from the fridge. She dropped the juice box when she felt a sudden pain. Toni heard liquid hit the ground and thought her wife had accidentally dropped the juice box. However, she looked up from cutting Denim's pancakes and noticed that Janet wasn't moving and was hunched over into the fridge.

"Oh my god. J, what's wrong?"

"My water broke Babe."

"I thought you dropped the juice box and were mad you dropped it cause you can't pick it up."

"Nope, our little princess has decided that she wants to see the world today."

"I'll call Erykah and Dr. Robinson. Then I'll call Tamar. Mommy!"

"Toni Michele, I'm right here." She appeared in the doorway.

"Can you sit with your grandson? Your granddaughter decided that today is the day she'd like to come. I'm going to help my wife and I'll be back."

"Go and I'll be right here. I know there are some people on the way I'll get the door when they get here."

"Okay thanks Mommy."

Janet was only halfway up the stairs breathing quite hard. Toni just rubbed her back and waited until she was ready to move again. Toni helped to make Janet comfortable on their bed. For about six hours Janet slept off and on. Her labor was progressing slowly. She was only about 4 centimeters dilated. Her labor was moving a whole lot slower than Toni's labor with Denim. Erykah was there and so was Tamar. Tamar was being her usual annoyingly funny self, keeping everyone laughing.

As the day progressed Janet became more and more uncomfortable. Her attitude was pissy and she didn't care. Their princess was taking her sweet time entering the world. It was now 10 pm and Janet was finally dilated to nine centimeters. She decided that she would get in the tub then. They had decided that they would do another home water birth. She laid on her side in the tub and tried to breathe through the contractions. They were now about two to three minutes apart. The time was closer to 11pm now and their princess still wasn't ready. It took until 12 am for Janet to reach being fully dilated enough to push.

Along the way there had been a lot of screaming and Janet even cursed Toni out. Tamar couldn't stop laughing when that happened.

"Toni Michele, how the hell did I let you convince me to do this?"


"Never fucking again, we are only having two children."

"Breathe baby."

Erykah checked to see if she could see the baby's head crowning and she finally was.

"Okay mama let's get ready to push." Erykah said to Janet in a soothing voice. "Toni get in now."

Toni got into the tub behind her wife and held her hands. Janet was squeezing the hell out of Toni's hands.

"Damn. J, you don't have to break my hands."

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