Letting go

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Lance sat on top of the edge of the highest building he could find in the city. It was quiet up here.

He told Allura he was going to hunks house for the night but he just needed to get out of the house. They weren't going to be patrolling for a while but he still felt the need to go outside to make sure there were no screams of someone who thought they were out there to protect them still. But he wouldn't fight a shadow if he didn't have too, only self defense and to stop a murder. That's it. The police were on their own and he prayed to a god that everyone would stay inside.

He sighed closing his eyes enjoying the breeze on his skin.

"Hey dad," lance whispered leaning his cheek against his knees that were pull to his chest as he looked over the city.

"Long time since I've talked to you," he gulped a little keeping his eyes hooded.

"My day was fine, kinda miss you though, Ryan's back for a little, I know you liked him," he smiled softly looking up at the stars.

"But I think I made a friend, his names Keith, you'd like his spunk, but he likes me at night, he doesn't talk to me as lance," he chuckled shaking his head.

"Allura and I are moving to Abuelas, moms mom, I'm excited, I miss her, I'll make sure to say bye to you before we leave in a few months but just wanted to give you a heads up," lance smiled but felt tears burning in his eyes.

"I don't know what to do dad..." he whispered as a few fell down his cheeks.

"I thought I avenged you finally but Hagar is alive still and Zarkon still kills, I'm failing you and this city," Lances jaw quivered as he ranted to no one. He knew that..

"I know I've never been smart but I don't know what to do, I want to just live like me and I would never blame Allura for that, I want her to be happy but I hate who I am most of the day, quiet and weak but-but no one gets me, I just feel so alone, I miss you dad," he sobbed putting his face in his hands. Tears streaming down his face silently.

He hated he couldn't be himself.

"God keep it down will ya?" A voice laughed behind him and lance quickly turned around with his hands and eyes glowing brightly in defense.

"Oh, hey ezor," he saw the mutant girl making her way over with a small skip.

"Honestly this is a good crying spot," she jumped next to him and sat down with her feet kicking off the edge.

"Sorry," he wiped his cheeks and looked down ashamed.

"Depressions a bitch like that, don't apologize," ezor smiled brightly at him. Lance glanced up and pursed his lips before smiling back.

"My dad died here," lance sighed finally leaning on his arms and stretched out his legs. "But I like it up here still,"

"Didn't zarkon kill him or something?" She made a face but she didn't pity him. Lance almost preferred that.

"Hagar and zarkon did, Yea, right in front of me on the street below us, my sister was on the other side of the city," he huffed a little closing his eyes, he slowly opened his eyes to look down, he remembered exactly where his father died down there.

"Yikes, that's one for the trauma therapy," she nodded.

and lance burst out laughing a little.

"No shit, you'd think you'd get one traumatizing event in your life but then your dad is slaughtered in front of you," he snorted as ezor smirked.

"Don't forget being hunted down by humans that try to kill you multiple times as a child," she smiled cocking her head to the side.

"Or the students in your school beating you till your unconscious," he added on.

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