Chapter 7

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It was an usual day in palace of hastinapur. Gandharraaj was busy making evil plans duryodhan and dusshasan were busy envying the, pandavas, karna was practicing with his sons and lakshman and our lakshmana was busy playing with her birds. She was too fond of birds. In the garden, where mana was playing with birds, she heard two dasis were speaking something very softly" Yess, our yuvraj is very adharmi, he tried to burn his own cousins and their brother adharmi " One of them said. " Yes, he had also abducted kalinga princesses from her swayanvar, how bad he is" The other supported her.
Mana was disturbed after hearing this, she was too young to know this side of her father, she had always seen her father caring and loving her and was unaware of this side. " No, no my father is a good person, he cares for everyone, how could he be adharmi " She murmured to herself.

She ran through the corridor sobbing in disgust. She was not able to bear the pain of someone calling her father adharmi. She entered her chamber and locked herself. " How could they call my pitashree adharmi, he is a good person, he cares for his subjects, he loves his friends and family, my pitashree is not adharmi. " She was crying endlessly and throwing things here and there.
Bhargavi heard some noise from lakshmana's chamber and ran to enquire her. " Rajkumari, what happened, why have you locked yourself. Come out please "bhargavi requested. " Please leave ravi, I don't want to converse with anyone now, please leave" She was hurt very much.
Bhargavi immediately went to duryodhan and said " Yuvraj, rajkumaari had locked herself in her room and is crying very much" Hearing this, duryodhan left his work aside and ran to her room and ordered the soldiers to inform this to gandhari and kunti. " Putri, putri please open the door, share your problem, I will try to solve it, please open the door" Duryodhan was almost I tears. " No pitashri, I don't want to step in the world which calls....... " She was not able to speak anything more. "Mitra, you try to explain her, she is exactly like me, we should calm her anger do something" He pleased Karna. " Mitra, not me but someone else could calm her. Karna ran through the corridor and came back with supriya. Duryodhan trusted Karna wife same as he trusted Karna. " Bhabhishree, I know, you and mana are close to each other, please explain her, please bhabhi " He again requested supriya.
" Yuvraj, I request you all to go back to your chambers, I will talk with her, but she won't tell me if you all will be here, only me and bhargavi would be here, it's my request " Supriya assured them all.
" Mana, please open the door, won't you listen to me? " Supriya said in a convincing tone. " I told prior, I don't want to talk to anyone " Mana repeated. " Would you have behaved the same if there was bhanumati in my place?? " Supriya questioned.

Lakshmana opened the door and threw her arms around supriya. Supriya separated her from the hug and gave a look to her. Messy hair, broken jewelery, torn clothes, she was unable to see her like this. Supriya took her to the dressing table and made her sit. She untied mana's hair and started combing them. " Supriya maa, dasis in our palace call my father adharmi, why do they say such?, don't they know how much my pitashree cares for his subjects, had he done any injustice to them? I know he hates pandav kakashrees but that is the only fault in him. Does that mean he has no good qualities? " Saying this mana started crying.

Though it was a very small thing, but it was the first time nine year old mana was coming across this side of her father for first time. Duryodhan has took care that the conspiracies in palace and his past deeds shouldn't affect the happiness of his daughter. Supriya held mana close to her bossom.
" Listen mana, whenever we judge a person,we tend to see only a part of his personality. A person has both good and bad sides. Considering only one side is wrong and rumours spread more fast than anything. Supriya said tying lakshmana's hair. " But maa, what had pitashree did , that praja call him adharmi? " Lakshmana asked innocently.

" Yuvraj tried to poison bhrata bheem along with gandhar raaj and threw him in river. He also tried to burn pandavas and mata kunti alive in lalshagriha, but they escaped luckily " Supriya spoke everything in one breath. Mana was too stunned after hearing all this, she, had always seen the kind side of her father. This all was totally unexpected to her. It was the black side of the man She trusted the most. She again started crying hugging supriya.
Supriya seperated her and said " This is what happens mana, we see the deed, not reasons behind them. " Mana was too confused. She glared at supriya with confusion in her eyes

To be continued in next part.......

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