Chapter 11

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John's P.O.V

So, the first day in this new school went pretty well. Never though it would go that well actually. In general, students are scared of me. That's probably because I have a "bad reputation", like my dear aunt Mimi always say. Bullshit. I'm a normal guy. Not a meanie.

But that's not the important thing right now...

The important thing is :
I can't stop thinking about Paul... why was he blushing like that? I really need to know...

Tomorrow, I'll ask him. He probably won't reply though... but I have to try.


7:45 a.m

Great, John... I wanted to come here early so there wouldn't be many students around and I could ask him peacefully... I knew it was a bad idea to sleep at midnight.

Anyways, there he is. Sitting at that desk, doodling something in his copybook.  He probably didn't notice me, since I didn't even reach the door.

"Hello. I'm Mrs Robert, your french teacher. You must be John, ravie de te rencontrer"

"Oh, huh, bonjour madame. Enchanté aussi"

Ah, he noticed me! He looks surprised.
Thank god, I just got to sit behind him. I'll be able to ask him. I REALLY need to know.



Yes, John can speak french a little hehe! ☺

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