I'm baaaaack

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So, it's been a while. I know. I'm an asshole. But I really do love this story and want so much for everyone who has ever loved reading it to read the completed version.

I'm here to tell you that Chapter 73 is available for you to read! Currently it's on the app called Radish, but I'll be uploading to Wattpad once my contract allows (in 13 days). Radish requires you to use coins to read a chapter when it's first released, however they also offer free daily coin challenges on the app's homepage where they list instructions, but essentially you just need to "read" usually 1-3 chapters of the featured stories. I recommend this as opposed to you using your own money to pay for chapters! 

If you want to chat the latest chapters of Ebony & Ivory, please feel free to join the Ebony & Ivory Discussion Group on Facebook. Everyone is welcome, but I just ask you answer the group questions so I know you're a real person! It's okay if you don't know the answer - just say, and I'll still let you in :) I also highly recommend you re read the story if you have any spare time on your hands! It will just mean that everything will make more sense as you've probably forgotten a lot of the important details!

Thanks for everyone that has still been supporting me from the sidelines, and stuck around for this long. I'm actually in awe of you all, and am so humbled. I promise I won't leave without finishing the story off for you, even if there's just one viewer. 

Love, Gem x

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