The day it all began

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The school was bustling with rumours, thanks to those people who actually spread the rumours(you were finally useful for once), people finally found out who the crime master was. The principal suspended Ben for 2 weeks and once again, I won the game.

"It's so peaceful today, but it won't last long. Cause that ass is coming school from today onwards. The suspension should have been longer." I was walking on the hallway, complaining to Dee. I suddenly bumped onto someone.

"Oh sorry-" and I couldn't say more. Oh why?

Dee: Cause that human being looked like an angel from a movie.

I wish that was the reason. But, unfortunately that idiot spilled coffee all over my favourite shirt and didn't even say sorry and left just like that.

"Hey you, with piercings, get yo ass here and apologize right now."

"Oh? And why would I do that? It was just a mistake. Stop overreacting so much, you aren't the only one going through periods."

Trust me, those sentences were enough to piss me off so much that I literally grabbed an ice cream from I don't know who and threw it on his shirt. "Karma is a bitch, just like me" I said.

Honestly, it felt so good that I forgot to notice the teacher. Time to face reality I guess.

"You two follow me to my office, right now!!" Mr Johnson shouted and I swear to God, that 2 minute walk to his office was the calm before the storm.

One eternity later

"Okay, I said what I needed to and I hope you two got it. Now apologise to each other and shake hands like good kids, c'mon~." I guess the storm changed routes.

"I'm sorry"(he didn't mean it at all) he said and moved his hand forward.

"I'm sorry too"(same here) and I shook his hands.

"Now go to your class, no fighting okay~?"

I just wanna say one thing (I don't care if you say no). Why the fuck does he have to make that tone everytime he talks. No offense but it's creepy, creepier than Titans eating the insides of humans.(get the reference AOT fans?)

I changed into a spare shirt that I borrowed from Dee and took a seat. That jerk entered the classroom with the teacher. "Hello, everyone. I'm Chase Park and I'm new here, nice to meet you." His personality took a 180 degree turn.

And I can see that he is going to be the next "popular kid" since Ben got the karma that he deserved.

Ben was in the classroom too but he just ignored everyone after that whole incident and people stopped talking to him. 

Chase had this smile that was too bright to ignore. I looked at a kid from my class who wore sunglasses indoors, even he found it bright. The mean girls got their next God. The bookworms didn't give a shit unless he is good at studies. And he turned out to be one. It's only been 20 minutes but he's already answering the teacher. I did say I'm an A grade student cause I am. But I answer them only if they specifically ask me, otherwise I couldn't care less. I don't like him already. 

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