When the devils meet

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Hey y'all, Ben here, with my POV, cause why not.

In the previous chapter:

Sin: "OH FUCK-"

Ben's POV:

Just when she was about to say something, I covered her mouth with my hand and pushed her against the wall, putting the knife near her neck. "Calm down I won't do anything to you, just don't shout, okay?"

"Hmph!(Let me go!)" She didn't agree, of course, and was trying to loosen my grip but little did she know, she was too weak for me.

How did I get that you ask? Well I can basically read her mind so don't put so much strain on such a low IQ brain of yours.

Since she said no, I had to use another approach and trust me, this one always works, "If you don't shut up, I'll kiss you." As soon as she heard that, her face went pale and she stopped resisting my hand. She looked directly into my eyes and I could see that she despised me. So I let go of my hand with the knife and backed away a little to give her some space.

"I'm sorry for all of this, I actually wanted to tell you something...So the thing is... I like you, wanna go on a date to see if it works out between us?"

And when I looked into her eyes, I literally thought oh shit- I fucked up- goodbye everyone, it was a beautiful life.

"Make me."

"Wh- what?" I was in shock with such a calm response. "What do you mean?" I was completely confused, I was literally expecting a really painful kick in the balls but this is unexpected.

"Make me start liking you again, you can take me on a date if you want. And your balls are safe today, thanks to my good mood."

Who knew the devil could read minds plus had a good mood! As soon as I heard that, I was on top of the world. But it was getting late and I knew how strict her parents were, "Oh gladly, but now it's getting late, your parents might be worried. Should I drop you home?"(my plan to make her fall for me already began).

"Nope, I'm good, thanks for the offer. See you tomorrow."

"Have a good night."

And she left the rooftop with a smirk on her face. Y'all should have seen me, I had the biggest smile of my life, the smile of the devil. Because little did she know that she did a mistake. Now I'm gonna make her life a living hell, just like she did.Epic.

Sin's POV:

"Have a good night" he said and I left the rooftop with a smirk that came to me naturally. Of course I'll have a good night since the fish got caught in the trap. Now it'll be hella fun from tomorrow onwards.

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