Gimme a break!

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"So you hack?" Matthew said while resting his chin on both of his hand, sitting on a chair. "Why do you wanna join this club? Be honest." He asked with his sharp eyes trying to understand my gestures.

"You guys are the reason why this school has the lowest rate of bullies. No serious fights. I always wanted to use my skills for a good reason and maybe even get some teamwork experience." I answered without any hesitation. It was like making a deal. The tension in the air was suffocating.

"Okay, you are chosen. Welcome to our gang." He said with a soft smile.

"...That's it?" It was too good to be true. I thought he would ask me a few more questions- welp lucky me I guess.

"You'll be our secret weapon, I gathered some info on you and it's super hard to find someone with your skills." He said breaking the tension with a relaxing aura. Since Dee is the one in charge of gathering information, she probably told him about me.

"Oh thanks a lot for the approval. I think you already filled my form." This isn't the first time I got an approval so easily so kinda expected it. Yes I'm flexing, fuck you!

"Yes and I already have your first mission, looks like a lot of things are going missing these days, specially from your class. So you need to find that out and your name will be Lexi." He knew exactly what he was doing, as expected from the president of a club.

"Congrats! You are lucky, Matt hardly approves of someone so easily. Also good luck with your mission, Lexi~." Dee laughed at my name and went to her class.

So, this is not some mafia gang if that's what y'all are thinking. This is basically a group of really talented people who reduce bullies, rumours and fights inside the school. They are a normal club according to the students since no one knows about the gang thing except the principal and the members. I'm still curious why they didn't help me with my rumours but joining a team like this has always been my dream. Matthew is the leader with the same age as us, thanks to him this school is still standing strong. Ben and Chase are here too, but since they don't have pro skills like me, they will only be approved if they win against me in the mission. So it's a 2 v 1 which is unfair but I'll manage.

I sat on my seat in the theater hall, some famous therapist was invited in our school and he was gonna give a speech. Interested students were welcome to join. The hall was full and the therapist started his speech. I sat on the second last row minding my own business when I saw this one guy wearing a shady hoodie, covering his face. He sat on the last row right behind me. He was typing really fast on a keyboard. It seemed like he was trying to get a password, wasn't that hard to recognize when I heard the "password failed" notification pop up. He was swearing in frustration proving he was in a hurry.

Then I suddenly heard a notification, looks like he got the password. And I heard people screaming, even though I was looking at the front my mind was focusing on the guy behind me so I didn't know what was happening. I looked at the screen at front and I saw a porn video being played in the screen but with no audio. Chaos took over the whole hall and the students went nuts.

This guy just hacked the therapist's computer and replaced the speech documentary with a porn video!?

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