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"So aren't we supposed to chase that guy, Chase?"


"What? It was a good pun."

"Time to get your phone back I guess. But that guy does parkour."

"Yeah, doesn't make this any easier."

"So are we chasing him or nah?"

"What about those two?" I pointed at Emma and Jae.

"There is a play room around the block, we can keep them there until we are done."


So we kept our responsibilities aka our siblings there and searched for that guy. Luckily my phone's location was on and we were tracking it with Chase's phone. We reached the place after a while. It was a room behind a rundown grocery store, probably a place for thugs. This place smells so fucking bad, I hope there are no corpses lying around.

"Your phone's location saved us or else we'd still be looking for them."

"I know. But what's the plan?"

"I thought you had one."

".........." Both of us looked at each other.

"I've no plan which means either we're fucked or we think of one in 30 seconds." I said breaking the silence.

"I hear people inside the room, this is gonna get us killed."

"Do you know basic self defense?"

"I guess?"

"Alright, I have a plan. Keep your phone off."


All of them went silent and looked at me. "So you are the little missy? How did you even get here?" A tall, muscular guy with tattoos stood in front of me. Like the leader of any other group of thugs.

"That doesn't matter. What matter's right now is that the police is on their way, so better gimme my phone." (I was lying of course, no way I'm gonna involve the police.)

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHA- police is always late dear. They ain't coming before I break your bones."

"You're not wrong about the late part. But my sister is home alone and my parents are in the hospital. This phone is the last gift from my parents." The teary eyes were a cherry on the top!

"Oh dear, sounds rough. You are a nice daughter. Here you go." He brought the phone near me.

I was about to grab it but he took it back. "If what you say is true then how do you have an iPhone? Do you think we're dumb!?"

"I said this was their last gift, not their last expensive gift. You dumb fuck, use your brain for once."

"What did you say!?"

"Oh no-" (fake acting)

He came closer and held my chin, "Imma break that pretty little face of yours for trying to fool us before police comes."

"Dude your breath stinks!" I spat on his face and kicked on his balls. He groaned in pain and was about to drop the phone but Chase caught it and dragged me out of that room.

They followed us for quite a while but we managed to escape and stopped at the park. "That was scary." Chase said while breathing heavily.

I sat down on a bench and looked at the phone. "It's working, thank god." I sighed in relief.

"Are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere?"

"I'm fine but that guy's balls aren't fine at all."

"He deserved it anyways. When he touched you I was so angry, but I didn't know you were good at self defense."

"Well you know now. His aura was very intimidating."

"Yeah, you were shaking so bad and you still are."

"So you noticed huh. I never kicked a thug before, his hands were so big, it felt like he was about to crush my chin."

Chase came closer and hugged me all of a sudden. "You're trembling really bad. It's okay, let's stay like this for a while."

The smell of his perfume was not strong but relaxing and it felt warm. His grip was firm and it calmed me down, but my heartbeat was going crazy. This isn't good.

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