Too sweet to handle

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Guess what people, I forgot to charge my phone and now it's only 20%. Only when I thought this day couldn't get any worse, my mom had to go to the hospital cause of an emergency so no breakfast and let's be real, not every teenager knows how to cook and I'm one of them.(Yes, I'm bitching about my life and I don't care.)

Anyways I had to leave so all I ate was an apple and left for school. Emma? Well she loves fruits so...lucky me!

I didn't even get to set my foot inside the classroom and the guys showered me with chocolates. "Happy Valentine's day Sin!" All I wanted was to live in peace but nope!

Yeah, it was Valentine's day, and I forgot about it cause I'm too used to being single and I've more important things to do in my life like learning how to cook.

"Thanks but I don't like sweets, so give them to someone else."

"O-Okay...." they said and went to their seat. I put my bag on my desk when- "Sin!!! Happy Valentine's day!! Here, have all of my chocolates." Ben put all the 5 bags of chocolates that he got from I don't know who, on my desk. But my eyes went to Chase, who was wearing the same sweatshirt as me, coincidentally. "Fuck my life" was all I could say in a situation like that. I just ignored Ben with all my energy cause I've more important things to worry about at the moment.

An advise from me to you all, never ever think that your life is the worst because you haven't even seen the worst yet. "Awwwww they're matching, so cute!!" The whole class shouted together. Some nice girls were squealing, those makeup hazards were taking pics of me and Chase together and the boys were looking at us with their eyes wide open. And before I could even explain anything the bell rang. Ben kept the chocolates to himself, more like I told him to.

I found out that some girls from my school started shipping us and making memes on the reactions of the guys including Ben. Dee shared some with me and I'm not going to lie, the memes were actually really funny.

As soon as lunch break came, I escaped my classroom cause I knew the guys will annoy me again. But the old building was closed for repairs since they are gonna make it a theater hall, so I had to go somewhere else. While I was just roaming around the garden I saw Chase sleeping on the grass, honestly, he looked like he was having the peace of his life which I never had and so, I decided to ruin it. I took out a pen from my pocket and was about to draw something on his face when he suddenly opened his eyes and grabbed my hand, pulling me closer.

"Shhhhhh, don't speak" he whispered and we stayed in a weird position for a few seconds cause those trashbags were looking for me in the garden to give me chocolates. I swear to God, those were the longest 40 seconds of my life. It felt like my heart was about to beat out of my chest.

After those idiots left, Chase loosened his grip and I stood up. "Thanks for that" I said, trying to hide the pen from him but he saw it anyways. "So you were here to ruin my handsome face?"

"Did you just call yourself handsome? I guess some people crave for compliments so much that they give it themselves. And no, I was just passing by when I saw you and wanted to take a little revenge for that time."

"I did say sorry, didn't I?"

"You are really good at acting but don't think I'm going to fall for it. If you know how to lie then I know how to see through those lies."

"You really are sharp, anyways thanks for not ruining my face. I hope I don't see you ever again like this."

"Same here." And we parted our ways. Glad to know we share the same hatred for each other.

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