Why do I even know you two?

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"So it was someone else this whole entire time?" Dee asked me while we were in the library.

"Yeah and it looks like the texts I took the screenshot of were sent by someone else too". I was standing near a shelf and looking through the books.

"But you aren't someone to believe all this so easily, what changed your mind?" And as always Dee proved her understanding of me.

"He knows he can't lie to me because I'm going to find out who it is and if it is him, he is so fucked." I've never seen Dee so shocked in my whole life.

"You are going to find that person!? Are you fucking serious!? She literally shouted in the library and the librarian asked us to go outside. At least she didn't care about the cussing.

"Sorry, I was just a bit shocked, you generally don't give a fuck cause of the effort and risk, so why now?"

"Because generally my scapegoats are spot on but this time, I forgot to analyze further because my feelings were involved too. I just wanted to prove him wrong so bad that I forgot to find out who the actual culprit was. Another reason is because a lot has been happening in my life lately and I wanna come on track with my hacking, I haven't touched my PC in a while."

We were walking on the hallway, a few seconds away from the library when I suddenly found something inside a book that I accidentally took with me. The librarian was sleeping man, so irresponsible.

"That makes so much sense that I have nothing to argue-" I brought the book near Dee's face and she went silent. 'Don't dig your own grave, Ben' was written on a page of that book with a marker. It sounded more like a threat than a warning.

"What do we do?" Dee asked in confusion.

"Let's keep it where it belongs and see who reads it."

We kept the book on its shelf cause the librarian wasn't there and we were observing that shelf from afar when Ben came and took the book with him, as predicted.

"So that person knew Ben was about to read it, talk about perfect planning." Dee whispered.

"Looks like that person is stalking him, in an unhealthy way of course." I whispered back.

Suddenly Ben appeared out of the blue and tapped on my shoulder with a smile, "Sup! Can I sit here?"

"No." I said but he sat down anyways. 'Why did you even ask?' was written all over my face. I could hear Dee holding her laughter.

"You two have been staring at me for a while now, am I that handsome?" This guy never fails to annoy me.

"No, just open the 65th page of that book and you'll know the reason." Dee said and he opened that page.

"You two did it?" There is a limit to how dumb someone can be.

"No, you dumb ass. We found it before you and kept it on the shelf. Since it was originally for you."

"Oh that explains. So now you know that I'm being threatened." He shrugged.

"Yeah and I'm going to find out who it is."

"No you won't. I don't even know why you are talking to me here. Shouldn't you be avoiding me right now?"

"I will and no, I know you are a nice guy so I'll help you considering I ruined half of your school life."

"Since when did the little devil become so considerate? Not complaining though."

Both Dee and Ben, looked at each other and started laughing, the librarian asked us to get out (again) and I thought to myself, 'Why do I even know you two?'

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