Meat is love!

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"All that happened while I was gone!?" Ben yelled after hearing what happened in the last chapter.

"I mean what would you've done anyways, fight?" I said while sipping my orange juice.

"If he laid a hand on you then yes. Why aren't you wearing your jacket though?" Ben noticed it.

"I removed it on purpose and Joseph fell for it."

"You know what you're doing huh, so what's next?"

"Imma go for a walk, need to give my mom an update." My mom has called me 102 times now and this is annoying.

"Okay, me and Chase will go for surfing I guess."

"Have fun!" And we parted our ways. I called my mom and she kinda yelled at me for not receiving her calls and I had to go out of my way to video call Emma to show her the beach. What a pain.

"Woah look at those two, they're so hot!" 3 girls were fangirling over Ben and Chase, more like their abs. Isn't it illegal, unfair and oddly weird for 15 year olds to have such well defined abs? This is why I hate coming with those two, they attract attention. But then again, we did become friends after all of that. So can't really dislike them anymore. I guess I'll return to my room and rest.

I texted both of them and went to my room. I bumped onto someone on the way, it was a man nearly in his 40s with a red laptop. Hopefully the laptop didn't fall in the ground. But he looked shady. Anyways, I came inside my room and went to sleep.

Minutes later.

"Sin! Sin! Wake up!" I woke up to Chase's voice as he was shaking me.

"What is it?" I groaned refusing to sit up.

"Apparently, there was a murder next door and police is here to question everyone living near that house."

"WHAT-" I jumped and fell from my bed. "Owww-"

"Let's go." Chase said and dragged me out with him. No one cares about my pretty head!? I thought we were friends... (Overacting on its finest)

"So you were sleeping in your room?" The officer asked in suspicion.


"Did you hear any loud noises? Screams?"

"No I was fast asleep. I just woke up. But how was the victim killed?"

"It was a knife."

"I see."

"You don't seem surprised. Girls your age faint just looking at a dead body but you walked passed it like it was no big deal."

"Oh that's because I'm used to dead bodies." Oops- I phrased it in a wrong way.

"What do you mean?"

"I watch a lot of movies or documentaries about murders and stuff."

"Oh alright. Thanks for answering clearly, we shall leave now. Take care though, that murderer might come again."

"Yes." All the three of us answered at the same time.

"I probably should've told the police that I bumped onto someone on the way and he looked really shady."

"WHAT!!??" Both of them were shocked.

"Yeah but I don't wanna be suspected so I didn't say anything. It's better not to get involved in these cases, besides we are just mere high school kids enjoying our summer holidays."

"True." Chase agreed.

"Stop being so out of energy, let's cook something!" Ben tried to clear the tension.

"You ate bowls of ice cream and you still wanna eat?" In short Chase is calling him a pig.

"Just say that you can't cook, don't change the topic." I answered.

"I can cook but like give your stomach some rest. I'll do all the cooking for you two." Chase said in a motherly tone.

"Oh thanks, what's the menu?"

"Omelet rice with avocado salad!"

"But I want meat!! As a respected human being, I deserve the right to eat meat in every meal!" I really can't agree more Ben!

"We're going to have barbeque tomorrow so I'm going to make your body ready till the meat buffet." This guy seems like the perfect older brother material.

"Sounds practical, I'll have it then I guess."

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