Sorry not sorry

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"So checking the CCTV was Ben's idea. And you three bribed the guard with more money than them (those bastards) to get the footage?" the principal asked in complete awe.

"Yes." All three of us answered simultaneously.

"But they are saying that you hacked it, Sin. Is that true?" He asked raising one of his eyebrows.

"Of course not. I don't even know how to hack and anyone can say that with no proof. Don't tell me you actually believe him." I looked at him with a grin.

"Ahem I was just asking. You guys did a great job, we'll take care of the rest. You may leave now." He said and we left his office.

"But first, can you tell them to give me my phone back?"

"Why do they have your phone?" He asked.

"They didn't give it to me when I asked nicely so here I am."

The principal glared at them and I got my phone back.

Outside the Principal's office.

"You got him! His face when you grinned was worth watching." Dee said as she laughed her ass off.

"I can't believe you lied just like that and he actually fell for it. Who are you exactly?" Ben said looking at me.

"Just a teenager with more important things to do." I said in a playful tone. There's no way I can tell him the truth.

"Why did I even expect a serious answer from you? My bad. I want to thank you guys for helping me out though. How about today after class?"

"Sure!" We both answered in an instant. Never say no to a thank you gift if you actually deserve it folks. That is called being rude to yourself.

We followed Ben after school and reached a cafe. We had to go through alley ways to reach there. It was like a secret hide out, not easy to find but worth the effort. As soon as we opened the door, it turned out to be a fancy cafe, not by the furniture but by the people that were there.

And somehow Dee's favorite band happened to be there too, so she was on top of the world. As for me, I was sitting in a corner drinking my ice tea and looking at Dee fangirling, with Ben staring at me. "If you wanna say something then say it and stop staring at me." I said while looking outside.

"Who are you? You aren't a teenager. How old are you actually?"

"I'm sorry for hiding this from you but I don't think I can keep it all in, so the thing is....I'm 69" I said.

"No, no, seriously, how old are you?"

"...." I just stared at him and didn't say a single word.

"What? Am I that handsome to make you this speechless?" This cocky bastard.

"It's quite the opposite actually. But this place is so boring, I'm only here for Dee's sake. As soon as she's done I'm leaving." I said trying to change the topic.

"You won't be bored for long." He said and waved at someone. "Mark, over here!"

"Wait, by Mark do you mean Mark Tyler!?" I asked in excitement. (Mark Tyler is my favorite author)

"No, it's Mark Dawson." He said crushing my excitement into pieces.

"So you are Sin, nice to meet you!" As soon as he smiled I knew he was a jerk. These fake smiles can never fool me.

"Oh, it's not so nice to meet you." I smiled at him.

"Rude as ever I see. Well I'm your biggest fan." He said while checking me out from head to toe and sat beside me.

"Fan? Sorry not sorry but there's no fan service today." I said in complete disinterest.

"I'll leave you two alone. Have fun~" And Ben made this situation even more awkward.

"You are a thief and I'm your biggest fan." He grinned and rested his chin on his hand.

"Can you make sense for once?" I replied in an irritating tone. Also that pickup line was absolute trash.

"You stole my heart, you thief."

"What the fuck?"

"Yes, so wanna go out with me?"

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