Just why?

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They say 'early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy and wise.' But why do I feel like a zombie even though I slept and woke up early? I know I'm weird but that's me.

I had breakfast and no one said anything, probably because of yesterday. Well I had a good sleep and it's Saturday, aka my lazy day. So many things happened, I need time man. I hopped on my bed and scrolled through my social media to see my classmates having fun. I used to compare my life with them and got jealous eventually.

But I realized everyone is fighting their own war, they just don't post about it. No point feeling sad and jealous over filters. I need my space and time to think things and it's okay.

Right now I need to clear my mind-

"Sin, I wanna go to the park!" Emma barged into my room with her tracksuit on.

"Go by yourself, I'm busy." I cut her off immediately.

"I could go alone but what if someone kidnaps me? Kidnapping cases have increased in our country you know."

When I was 10 years old, I used to think about what to eat at lunch and look at her. Kids are evolving but that doesn't make them any less annoying.

"I don't wanna get kidnapped with you so you go by yourself." She was silent for a few seconds and I knew what she was gonna do-


"Okay fine, I'll go with you." I had no other choice.

I wore whatever was lying around on my bed and went to the park with Emma. It was a peaceful morning, but after seeing a kid piss on a tree, it turned to a disgusting one.

"Hey you! Are you dumb?" I shouted.

He turned around and said, "Me?"

"Yes you! Why did you pee on a tree?"

"Why are you yelling at me? My brother asked me to do it."

"Where is your brother?"

"He's over there talking to someone." He pointed at him and guess who it was. It was freaking Chase talking to someone. I went to him and he looked like he saw an angel.

"Sin!! Save me from this woman. She thinks I'm kidnapping my brother." What the actual fuck?

"He is the older brother of that kid and my classmate, so don't worry." She believed me and left. That was easy. "How did you even get in this situation?"

"She came running to me man. I was so startled that I froze in place, I thought she was gonna gauze my eyeballs out."

"Are you serious? HAAHAHHAHHHAHAHHAHAAHAHA-" I couldn't stop laughing, "You should be a comedian."

"Yeah laugh all you want, you sadist."

"Also, your bro was peeing on a tree, teach him where to pee properly, or else he's gonna pee on the plants at your house."


"Don't scold him, you told him to pee there."

"Me!? What the fuck, no!! I pointed to the washroom but he thought it was the tree near it."

"You better be careful next time. The women in this neighbourhood spread weird rumours."

"Yeah I figured, what are you doing here by the way?"

"I'm here with my sister for a walk. What about you?"

"Same, what a coincidence huh."

"Yeah, a really unpleasant one." I went and sat on a swing.

"It is pleasant for me though." He sat on the other swing.

"Couldn't care less."

"You can be a little nicer you know. Though I'm used to it."

"Be ready to get more used to it then." I looked at him to see his reaction when a guy jumped over the swing bar, landing in front of me. He then snatched my phone from my hand and ran away.

I stood there open mouthed. Did a guy just steal my phone while doing parkour!? Why is this happening to me? Just why?

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