It's a long day.

3 0 0

"Go go go, he's behind, yes-" It was 3 am and I was playing League Rex. My brain decided to play games cause I couldn't sleep. Dee was sleeping on my bed and I'm grateful she was with me last night. I would've killed someone otherwise.

"Right beside you, yes-" Playing games helps me a lot. It helps me forget my problems even if it's for a little bit. I really needed this.

"Sin, can't sleep?" Dee asked from the bed as she stood up.

"Yeah, did I wake you up?" I said while focusing on the match.

"Yup but how can I sleep if you can't? Let me play too." She said while grabbing a headset.

"I really need you, these fuckers are gonna make me loose."

"I got you babe." She said as she stretched her fingers and started typing really fast.

"One is exactly right behind you." I said to Dee.

"Alright!" She killed that guy and we won. Not flexing or anything but we had the best teamwork. (Yeah, I'm clearly flexing.)

"Another round?" I asked while looking at her. She looked at me with a sad face.

"No, we need to talk."

"Okay, what do you wanna talk about?" I said while putting my headset down.

"Your uncle, your feelings etc."

"I still can't believe my uncle is a psycho. He said he bribed the police Dee, how is that even acceptable? I can't believe Ben had to go through all of this because of my uncle whom I trusted so much. And he didn't look apologetic at all, he isn't human Dee. That's all I'm feeling."

"I see, so you aren't going school today?"

"Of course I am, can't be more suspicious."

"Okay, let's just chill until then. I'll go with you."


We spent the rest of the morning streaming and talking. It was refreshing actually. We were so busy with our lives that we forgot how close we were.

"Sin wake up, you are going to be late!" Mom yelled from the kitchen.

"I'm not going to school!"

"Oh but you are."

"No, I'm not-" My mom slammed my door open and widened her eyes. I was wearing a red set of lingerie while Dee was holding me from behind dressed in her oversized hoodie.

"Hey mom, I was just lying, I'm getting ready to go." She was standing there like a statue.

"O-Okay.. breakfast is ready." She said and left. I bet she misunderstood it but I don't care. Who told her to enter without knocking? Serves her right.

At school.

"Hey Sin!" Ben waved while standing in front of our class.

"Hey, you got discharged, so sorry I couldn't visit you."

"Nah, it's fine, I'm throwing a party tonight at my house and you're invited." Ben said while handing me the invitation card.

"Casual wear huh. I'll come for sure. I need a partner too. I have someone in mind."

"Perfect, see you then!" He didn't wanna be my partner today? Strange.


After a few minutes of that conversation.

Why are they looking at the entrance- Oh Mr popular is here. I don't know if it's just me but he is walking in slow motion. Wtf- he just winked at me-

"Look at his ass!" One girl squealed in front of me.

"Why don't you shove your nose up his ass if you like it that much?" I said. Some girls are so thirsty these days man.

I forgot- I am supposed to convince Chase to go with me- I looked at his seat and he wasn't there. Where did he go- Oh there he is, talking to that girl... She's pretty hot. After a few minutes, I saw him talking to another girl and then another one. And all of them were hot. Is he planning to create some kind of a massive harem?

Did I stalk him the whole day? Yes, I did. Did I get jealous? Yes. Did I ask him for the party? No.

Finally he stopped at the cafeteria alone. "Hey, Chase. Can you be my partner for the party?"

"But I already have someone in mind." He said while sipping his coffee.

"Oh.... my bad, see you at the party then."

"And she was stalking me the whole day, so I decided to annoy her a little."

"You were doing that on purpose huh. You asshole!"

"You're worth being called an asshole, cutie~"

"And you're worth me being brutally cold, asshole~"

"But what if the cold princess is smokin' hot and turns red every time I call her cute?"

"Then 7 pm at my place. I'll be waiting~"
And I walked out smoothly.
I didn't know I had such smooth conversating skills.

After destroying my closet to find a (not so casual) casual outfit.

"I'm surprised by how you can wear a full body suit but I can still see you naked in my mind." Chase said as we were waiting for the cab.

"So you have already done a whole semester for asshole-ism?"

"Nah, it's called pro level imagination."

"No, it's called you're about to lose your balls jutsu."

"You're holding my hand pretty tight though."

"That's to hold you back if you try to run away from my jutsu." The cab arrived.

"I can't win against you. Anyways, let me open the door like a gentleman." He smirked while opening the door.

"Okay, asshole." I said and got inside the cab. We reached his house in a few minutes.

"Oh you guys came, welcome. Did you like the house?" Ben asked as we entered inside.

"Yeah, it's definitely not like one of those cliche rich houses with an outdoor pool and a glass fountain." I had to say it man.

Ben chuckled, "You two enjoy, I've some other people to welcome."

"Wasn't this supposed to be a party for his recovery? Why is it full of VIPS?" Chase asked.

"That's what being the heir of a famous company is like. I don't blame him, he hates it too."

Chase's POV

After a few small talk attempts-

"True. Also don't drink any alcohol-" I was interrupted by her.

"Too late, I finished one glass already."

There are two things even scientists could never understand- drunk women and the things they say/do after being drunk. Speaking of drunk- Where did she go-

"I AM GOING TO JUMP NOW!" I turned around and Sin was standing on the railing of the second floor window.

This girl- "CLAIR WAIT- I'M COMING!" She was about to jump when I grabbed her hand and pulled her inside.

"But I wanted to jump!"

"I'm sorry babe, you are hot all the time but you're more hot in my arms."

"Okay handsome~" She brought her index finger and ran it from my neck to my chest gently. God is testing me and it's harder than no nut november.

"L-Let's get you some water."

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