We all need it

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"Mr Daniel, you can stop here" I said to the driver, we kinda became acquaintances while being in the car.

"But I was supposed to drop you to your house" He said.

"Oh I can walk till there on my own also you need to cross a narrow alley to get there so the car won't fit." I tried to explain since I need some time to process things.

"Okay then, I'll drop her home, you can go Daniel." Ben said with a smirk.

"What- you don't need to do that!" man let me process things, I wanna be alone.

"It's late also alleys are dangerous." He said.

There's no point in fighting with this guy, "Fine." Both of us got off of the car and started walking.

"It's only 6:32, it's not that late." I debated as we were walking.

"Who said we are going so early, I need to show you something, let's go!" Ben said and dragged me with him. I swear to god, this guy has too much freedom.

"At least assure me that I'll be safe. Somehow trouble knocks the door whenever you are involved."

"Of course you'll be safe. Also you will like that place." The grip of his hand tightened as he said that, and it got warmer.

My house is in a hilly area, so it's tiring walking all the way there. But somehow I'm not tired today even though I'm running. Ben stopped near a tree and asked me to close my eyes saying "it'll be fun". So I closed my eyes and held his hand, he escorted me on a few stairs and finally we reached the place.

"Time to open your eyes." Ben said and I opened my eyes.

"So, do you like it?" Ben looked at me and I could tell that he really wanted to hear my answer.

"Are you kidding me!? I love it!!" We were standing under a huge tree and in front of us was a beautiful night view, all the buildings were shining with lights and the cool breeze, oh boy, this is exactly what I needed right now.

"Glad you like it, I found this place while I was strolling around and it's been my favourite since then. This view and feeling while you stand here, makes all your worries disappear. Since you had a lot going on with your life and the expression you were making in the car said you needed something refreshing and here we are now."

"Yeah I really needed this, thanks." I said with a smile which came on my lips naturally. This is the first time someone understood me without me telling them about my problems after Dee.

"The first thing that's bothering me is why did you scam me like that?" I don't think I've done anything to get this treatment from you."
Straight to the point, so bullshit given. This is Sin's style.

"Yeah, you'll kill me if you hear it but you deserve to know so I'll tell you." He sat on a bench and took a deep breath.

"When we first met and you helped me with things, I thought why would you be nice to me without any hidden reason, my mind tricked me and I thought you were wearing a mask and so I started avoiding you, the more you smiled at me the more I started to think that you were fake. I slowly started despising you, I had no ideas of scamming you, I just wanted to cut ties with you."

"Then one day I was on Anstagram, and I saw all the DMs I had with the girls about dick pics and nudes. I didn't do it and it seemed like someone actually hacked my account. And I thought it was you since you know how to hack and were angry at me for avoiding you. I had to clear the misunderstandings so I had no other choice but to involve you without any proof. I'm really sorry I shouldn't have done that. You can hit me if you want, anything that makes you feel better."

I was looking at him the whole time and I noticed that he had really deep dark circles under his eyes, I guess he was struggling to sleep too and I also realised that he had trust issues. There's no way I can be angry at him when all he needs is someone to trust.

"Honestly, I was not expecting this, but I won't hit you. You did that to escape the rumours and if I was in your place I think I'd do the same. Also I wasn't fake to you, I was genuinely trying to help." As I said that I could feel his body relaxing.

"Since all things are clear now, let's try to be on good terms again." I looked at him waiting for a positive response.

"Oh wait- good terms!? Us!?" He looked at me and I nodded.

"S-Sure... I wasn't expecting it to go so peacefully but let's do that!" He gave a silly smile, it was really funny watching him process my answer. I think he was prepared for a beating considering he was tense the whole time.

I chuckled and we spent the rest of the time talking about who that hacker might be or what we thought of each other after that incident. And he dropped me home since it was late, I guess we talked for a long time.

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