The end.

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I opened the door and saw him standing there, looking at the view. I've never seen him that peaceful before. He turned around with a soft smile as I walked closer to him.

"What did you wanna talk about?" I asked.

"Congratulations on Chase, I'm happy for you." He said with a really mature look.

"Oh.. thank you, I wanted to talk about it but didn't have the courage."

"I know, it must have been hard, and I bet you've been blaming yourself for it." What's up with him today...

"Because I never told you my feelings, you had to hear it from others."

"At least you didn't try to hide it and told me even if it's a little late. I've always believed this quote, if you are ready to fall in love then you should be ready for heartbreak as well. I wasn't planning on falling in love with you but it happened anyways."

"Thank you so much for being honest with me. You've given me some beautiful memories that I will never forget."

"Why are you saying it like we're never going to meet each other again?"

"I was just thanking you... sorry..."

"Hey, don't be, I will treasure the memories we shared together. I'm glad I met you."

"Why are being so nice today? You're gonna make me tear up.."

"So you're telling me I was an asshole before?"


He started chuckling.

"You're being so weird today. I know you wanted to talk about something else."

"Yeah, you got me. I actually came here to clear a few things that I've been holding on to for years."

"If it's about your PTSD-"

"No, there's something else... Just listen to me, please."


He sat down on the floor and got all comfortable. I realized that it was going to be long.

"I was physically and mentally abused by my parents, because I wasn't good enough compared to my elder brother, Nathan or other rich kids. But instead of laughing at me or abusing me, Nathan helped me. He used to take care of me when my parents weren't there. Basically, he was my everything. But one day, my parents and Nathan died in a car accident while I survived."

I was looking at him, he was looking at the sky. He should've been having panic attacks but he was as calm as the clouds passing by.

"I blamed myself a lot for his death. I couldn't save him once while he saved me everyday. I felt like my world shattered. But my uncle saw me attempting suicide and took me to the therapist, where I'm still going. Thanks to him, I realized it wasn't my fault. But it was the fault of the driver who was driving the other car. So, I decided to find out who it was and take revenge."

I wanted to tell him about my uncle but, he was talking so earnestly that I couldn't bring myself to say those words. I continued to listen to him.

"But that man turned out to be your uncle, whom you considered your role model as a doctor. I felt like the ground under me slipped and disappeared. I found out about it right before I did that hacking scandal. The girl who used to follow me around everywhere, had the most innocent smile on her face if I even walked pass her, turned out to be a blood relative of my enemy."

"I decided to take revenge anyways, it didn't matter. I originally wanted to take revenge on your uncle but after finding out that his biggest weakness was right in front of me, the monster inside became more greedy. So the plan shifted."

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