You don't need a knife!

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"Yes, so wanna go out with me?"

"No." Sin said without even blinking an eye.

"What- You didn't even think once!? Do you feel great now that you rejected a singer? What a bitch!" Mark yelled grabbing all the attention in the room.

"What's so great about it? I just rejected an asshole who doesn't know how to treat women." Sin said and looks like it hit the bulls eye.

"Let's see if you are a slut too, sleep with me." I, Ben, was about to yell, don't play with fire! But he already put his leg on it.

"You've got quite some nerve huh. Wanna do it here?" She said as she was loosening up her shirt. I was stunned. Like what the actual fuck!?

He whistled, "Sure baby~". This horny bastard.

Everyone was looking at them including me. Sin loosened her shirt to her cleavage and kept going closer to Mark, about to kiss and only an inch apart when she suddenly brought a fork and swirl it around her finger to point it almost near the cornea of his eye.

Poor guy, peed his pants and ran away as soon as Sin threw the fork somewhere else. We all were stunned but she shrugged and said, "Assholes should know when to stop" and we came back to reality.

People went back to what they were doing, Dee and I went to sit with Sin. "That was dangerous, what if you actually took his eyeballs out?" Dee asked as she took a sip of water.

"Then I bet the eyeballs would have been really happy to be free from that asshole's system."
Dee sighed.

"Are you always like this?" I asked in utmost curiosity. "The Sin I knew used to be very nice and friendly plus non-violent."

"I decided to change after that incident. More like I finally found a good reason to come out of my comfort zone. I also learned that just sitting back and not doing anything will only worsen the situation, so you always make the assholes learn a lesson." She said with this dominating aura. I felt like I was talking to a mafia boss.

"Makes sense. So that Sin was fake?" I asked and she made an expression that made me regret it immediately.

"You can say so. I was being nice to people whom I despised to the core just to make my parents feel like I was their nice, little princess. But when a princess discovers that being acceptable and to one's liking won't do her any good, she evolves into a Queen."

I could see her yes sparkle as she said that. 'Someone went through tough shit' I thought.

"But he was a really famous singer." I need to give my uncle an explanation later.

"Couldn't care less." She said. "Also I'll come by your uncle's office to say sorry, he was a really important client for the game and as for the paparazzi and rumours, I'll take care of that so don't worry."

"You knew who he was but you did it anyways, you really know how to handle all this huh... Okay then, thanks for your help and let me drop you ladies home, it's late." A gentleman knows his ways, take notes people!

"No thanks, my boyfriend is waiting outside and he can drop us off. Besides your house is the opposite way." Dee said while projecting a really protective aura around Sin. I guess she still doesn't trust me.

"But I really had fun today. Can I come to this place again?" Sin asked and I could see her puppy eyes.

"Sure, Mark Tyler comes here too!" I knew exactly what she wanted and I'm weak to those eyes so oops-

"Perfect!" When I looked at her, it reminded me of a little puppy wiggling it's tail in happiness. I couldn't help but smile back at her and we walked out of the cafe.

"Why are you smiling in the middle of a road you dumb ass? Stop day dreaming." She said and I was instantly thrown back to reality, I forgot that puppies bite too.

So we bid our byes and went home. Yes, went home.

The Real MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora