Organs organs everywhere!

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"So you agreed to come with us but you can't swim?" Ben asked me as we were on our way to the resort.

"Yes. What's wrong with that? Not like I'll swim anyways. Swimming isn't the only thing people do in Hawaii." I said with a straight face.

"Yeah but like what else will you do?" Chase wasn't on my side either.

"Eat, try to find Ben's hacker and maybe even go out of my room for once." I have always been a lazy person and I treat it as a noteworthy quality of mine.

"You are such a mood. But if you wanna eat, I have something for you! There is a restaurant near our resort where if you finish eating 20 bowls of ice cream in an hour, you'll get the tickets to the fireworks festival. Wanna try?" Ben said with a smirk.

"Is that a challenge?" I said as I looked at Ben and he nodded. "I'm in!" I replied with a grin.

"I'll drop you kids on the restaurant and head to the resort then." Ben's uncle said from the driver's seat.

After a few minutes, we arrived at the restaurant and I already hate this crowd.

"People are waiting in line just to win that fucking festival ticket!? Looks like this heat made them loose their braincells or they have nothing else to do in life." I accidentally said that out loud and everyone looked at me.

"She's just kidding- ahahahahahaha-" Chase covered me up. Thanks for saving my ass!

After an hour or so we got our seat and without wasting any time the waiter gave us our order.

"Okay your time starts now!" The waiter said and we started eating. After waiting under the Sun for 1 hour, this seemed like heaven.

"Your time is over and the winner is Ms Clair!" Yes, I FUCKING DID IT!

Ben groaned and dropped the last bowl from his hand, "I had enough of this bullshit." His burps were really loud and the girls behind us were laughing but I guess he didn't care.

"Thanks for your patience, now since more customers are waiting please leave!" Said the waiter and practically kicked us out.

"Welp, so what now?" Chase asked while sipping coffee (this brings back really bad memories).

"Maybe go to a washroom or he is going to puke right here." I said and pointed to Ben, who was about to puke.

"Y-Yeah..." Chase replied and both of us went to a cafe to wait for Ben.

"Are you okay? I mean after all of the ice cream.." Chase asked in a worried manner.

"I'm fine, I didn't have breakfast so my stomach was empty and hungry."

"If you still feel bad just tell me."

"Sure- but why are you hiding?" He was trying to hide under the table.

"My cousin from overseas is here."

"Then say hi."

"He's a player and he likes to make fun of me, especially in front of girls."

"In that case, stop hiding and leave it all to me."


"Shut the fuck up and see." I took off my jacket and as soon as Chase stood up his cousin waved at him.

"Hey Chase, long time no see! Who's this beauty?" He sat down next to me without asking and started checking me out.

"She's my friend Clair, Clair this is Joseph."

"Oh, so you're single right? Why are you here with this loser then?"

"Right now, you're the loser in my eyes, Joseph~" Chase was trying not to wheeze.

"Trying hard to get huh, alright. How much for 5 hours?"

"$1 million for your heart, $557,000 for your liver and $262,000 for your kidneys each."

"W-What do you mean?" His face went pale and the room went silent.

"Weren't you asking me to take out your organs through a surgery in 5 hours?"

"Wtf- I was asking how much for spending 5 hours with me?"

"Oh- in that case, I'd rather die than spend even 1 second with you."

"Know your place you slut, I know that you slept with Chase. How else will a girl ever take his side?"

"If organs could hear, think and move on their own, your organs wouldn't spend even a single second in your body after hearing that bullshit. Stop embarrassing yourself and get a life."

"You- you little bitch!"

"I don't know about your other organs but if you don't stop cussing your teeth will definitely leave your body."

"Yeah man, everyone is recording us, let's go." Hopefully, his friends had a brain.

"If I meet you somewhere alone, I'll fucking kill you!" And he left. I had fun teaching another asshole a good lesson. More like a psychopath.

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