Weirdo alert!

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I legit have a really bad cold but here I am again xD. But anyways, my first ever book with an okay ending is complete. I wanted to thank y'all for reading it and staying patient with every update.

I really had a lot of fun writing it, also seeing that people actually are waiting for the updates motivates me. I promise that I'm going to continue writing new books and keep y'all entertained. Really sorry about all the grammar mistakes and bad vocabulary, I'm still learning.

Want a season 2 of this series? Comment down below- this isn't a youtube channel- why am I so awkward ryuhcgrgyfrghuf- ;-;?

Anyways, comment and vote for this series so that I can motivate myself for a season 2.

I can talk about all the fun I had while writing it. I have so many memories and experiences that I legit sometimes think and laugh on it by myself. No wonder people think I am a weirdo. LOL.

If you guys wanna know the appearances of the characters in pictures then comment that too. Man, I can write only chapters like these and it'll never end. I just have a lot of emotions right now regarding the book so don't mind me :).

Anyways, thank you so so so so soooooooooooooooo very much for all the love and support, I hope y'all have a good day/night <3.


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