No peace

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Last night was kinda fun, with the guitar and all that. But now I have to come back to reality cause school is hell and no one can escape it.

I did my usual morning routine and went to school like any other day. I took a seat when I noticed Chase staring at me.

"What?" I asked cause he was being creepy.

"Nothing really, last night was fun huh" and then he winked at me.

"Yeah..?" I said but then something popped in my mind.

I looked around the class just to see everyone completely silent with their eyes wide open, staring at us. It's in that moment that I knew, I fucked up. "I-It's not what y'all are thinking- I SWEAR TO GOD-"

"Yeah it's not that at all, they just had a family dinner party together." Ben interrupted me. For the first time in my life, I heard Ben say something smart and helpful. Everyone kinda believed him and started doing their own shit again.

I looked over to Chase and he said, "Let's meet at the garden after class." Don't get me wrong, I couldn't give a fuck less about what they think but I don't wanna be involved with 'guys' for the time being if you catch my drift.

Class ended and as told, we met in the garden. "Hey, let's not act like we know each other at school. Okay?"I said.

"Why though? Do you hate me or something?" That jerk asked like he had no idea.

"Yes, I do hate you. You ruined my favorite shirt, I couldn't do my live stream and I have to get along with you even when I don't want to. Do you need any other reason?"

He sighed and lowered his tone, "Listen. I'm sorry about the shirt and I didn't plan to come at your house but I had no other choice. I actually had fun with you last night."

"That doesn't justify the reason for you to tease me. Just cause we had fun doesn't mean we're so close to the point of teasing each other. Don't cross the line."

"I just wanted to tease you a little bit and it went way better than I expected." He chuckled.

"I don't think you know but I've had enough of the rumours going on. So don't try to do anything unnecessary."

"I would have taken care of it either way."

"Oh? And how exactly?"

Instead of answering right away, he was coming closer to me making eye contact. And before I could even realize it, he cornered me with his hand pressed against a wall. I tried to escape but he completed blocked me, leaving no opening.

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