Love yourself

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It's 6 am, I couldn't sleep and I have a summer holiday project to complete with Chase. Yes, kill me please. I could change the date if I had time, but school is opening next week. Fuck my life!

I did my usual morning routine and went for breakfast. It was all peace and quiet until I went over to Chase's. I gathered all of my courage and was about to ring the doorbell when he suddenly opened the door.

"I had a feeling that you were here. Come on in." What a great start, isn't it?

"You go upstairs, I'll bring something to eat." He said.

I went upstairs and entered his room. The first thing I noticed was his collection of makeup brushes. They were in a glass container and clean as fuck. Then I noticed a beautiful black acoustic guitar, it was so damn beautiful that I couldn't control myself and hugged it.

"Why are you so beautiful? You're a masterpiece~"

Only when I was having fun-

"Having fun princess?" I heard Chase's voice from behind.

"I freaking love it!" I looked at him and he was standing at the door, wearing an apron with strawberries and pink polka dots on it, holding a tray of snacks.

"Can I just say that you look super cute in that." I had to say that.

"I know, I want your eyes on me too but you need to focus on the project so I'll have to keep it away- can you take the tray for me? I need to take the apron off."

"Sure~" I said ignoring his flirting.

"So we already decided that the topic would be self love. This can either turn out really good or bad." Chase said.

"Yeah but the most important thing is that we enjoy doing it. So let's start."

I was looking through some papers and Chase was staring at me. "If you aren't gonna do anything then leave the snacks for me." I said.

"You really like this topic huh." I looked at him as he said that and smiled.

"Yes because I think people should start taking it seriously."

"But you don't love yourself." I stopped turning the pages.

"How are you so sure?" I asked.

"Because I've seen you cry on Hawaii."

"Wha- but I didn't see you that time-"

"I've seen you blaming yourself for not telling the police about the laptop guy in your sleep. That's also when I heard you saying I hate myself so much."
He said as he looked at me and grabbed my hand that was holding the page. "I don't know why you hate yourself so much but do remember that I will never hate you."

I stood there silently looking at his stunning green eyes. I wanted to say something but words weren't coming out.

"Anyways, moving on-" He tried to change the topic.

"I was always insecure growing up. But there were a few things that I was proud of, my grades, my hacking and my aim to keep my parents satisfied. I lost a lot of friends in the process but I didn't care. But my parents always pointed out my physical insecurities plus how I was a disgrace when I didn't wanna be a surgeon. Whenever I got less than a 100 I was looked down on. So slowly I started thinking I really was ugly and worthless and I still do. It might not be a big reason but getting critiques from people I care about doesn't feel good at all."

"I'll give you a reason to love yourself then." He said with confidence.


"You hate yourself but want others to love themselves. You have the heart of a diamond that is much more than looks or grades, but if you still can't start loving yourself then leave it to me, I'll love you for the both of us."

"There you go again with your cheesy ass. Enough talking, the project is waiting."

"Yes ma'am!"

His words did make me slightly happy.

I wanted to thank him but decided not to. I kept smiling for the rest of the day until lunch break.

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