Maturity is a joke.

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"This place is so crowded, if anyone of us gets lost, I'll go crazy." Chase said as we were walking.

We didn't get lost but we separated on purpose. Sin went to buy food and Chase didn't follow us because he saw a shop full of makeup brushes. I followed Sin because I didn't have anything in mind.

"You already ate so much, you're gonna buy more?" I asked.

"I'm using my own money so mind your own fucking business. And I'm buying this for Chase and uncle."

I'm still not used to her instant comebacks.

"Yes milady." Suddenly I felt a dragging sensation. I turned around and saw a kid pulling my shirt with teary eyes.

"I lost my dad, help..." He was barely holding back his tears. I looked at Sin and she was staring at both of us.


"You two look cute together. Ahem. Anyways, let's find his dad."
Cute? What was that about? HmMmmmMmMmm.

"You are the only missing piece, if you join us, we'll be the cutest family ever~"

"This kid is about to cry his eyeballs out and you're flirting? My bad, expecting some maturity from you."

"Whatever. Are you ready to go on a mission Andrew?" He nodded.


"He's my neighbour."

"That's even better. Let's gooooooo!!" Sin said while raising her hand in excitement. It's illegal to be this cute but I'll excuse her if I get to see this everyday.

We searched for him everywhere, I didn't have his number and the kid wasn't in the state of talking. We took him to the announcer and waited for his dad to arrive. Sin took care of him at the mean time while I was just staring at her.

"You know, you're a great mommy material."

"And you're a great asshole material." Not going to lie, that actually hurt.

"How do you know all this anyways?"

"I used to take care of Emma while my parents were away and 5 year old's are easier to take care of than infants."

"True, I wish someone took care of me like that when I was a kid." My childhood brings back so many bad memories that I stopped talking or thinking about it. I could feel her curious gaze but she didn't ask anything.

"Are you not gonna ask me any questions?" I looked at her.

"Although I am curious, I don't think asking about your past will make you feel any better about it and I want you to keep smiling so no, I won't." She said making direct eye contact.

"I honestly don't know how you can make me feel better with just a few words, but I appreciate it."

"Good, now stop making that sad face and hold this." She handed me a few packets of street food that we took for Chase and uncle.

"Already bossing me around? I'm gonna have a hard time after our wedding."

"If you don't shut up, you won't be alive till your wedding."

"Ooooooh scary, time to shut up I guess."

Andrew fell asleep on Sin's lap and she put her head on my shoulder.

Her perfume smells nice.. that hair and those lips- they look so tasty- AGHHHH WHAT AM I THINKING!?

Be a gentleman. Be a gentleman. Gentleman. Gentleman.

But it's kinda hard with her being this close to me. She hardly let's her guard down like that. Jesus Christ, I'm being tested.

I was lost in my own thoughts when I spotted someone staring at me from a distance. That scared the shit out of me.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!" I screamed. And woke everyone up.

"CHILL DUDE IT'S ME-" It turned out to be fucking Chase.

"What did you shout? I was having a good sleep." Sin said in an annoyed tone.

"He scared me okay? Jeez."

"Dad!!" Andrew ran to his father who was standing behind Chase.

"Thank you so much for looking after him. Andrew say thank you."

"Thanks a lot!! You know dad, sister Clair bought me chocolate."

"Oh thanks for that too. Drop by our house whenever you want."

"Yes I will! You're welcome." And they waved us goodbye.

"You two were having your time huh." Chase, that asshole had to bring that topic up.

"I was fucking sleepy, if it bothered you that much how about bringing me a pillow next time, Chase?"

"I am not bothered, I was just saying. But the fireworks are gonna start soon."

"Let's go then!"

"You guys are so noisy." Sin said.

"Love you too!" Both Chase and I answered together.

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