Power of imagination

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"Only one single room is available." The teacher said while looking at a list.

"I'll take that one!" That room is perfect for me.

"Are you sure? This will be a good chance to finally make some other friends."

"I prefer to be alone and myself, so no thank you." Why can't teachers mind their own business?

"Okay then, keep your luggage in your room and meet the class at the entrance." I did as told.

"So today we are going on a fashion festival, you can go wherever you want but make sure to meet me at the exit at 6 pm sharp, we'll come to the hotel together. Try not to get lost." This is going to be fun! Imma be alone and try all the food!

I went to the food stalls right away. This is fun, isn't it? There were different cuisines from all over the world. Fashion isn't really my thing so thank god the food was there.

"Hey you!" I was enjoying my food when I heard a voice from behind and turned around.

"Are you in high-school?"

"Yes, but why do you ask-"

"We got our model!!" The girl yelled cheerfully.

"Model!? What do you-" She didn't even let me finish and dragged me to a building.

"Why did you drag me here!?" I yelled after she let go of my hand.

"Our model fell ill so we were looking for a 5'5 high schooler and we found you! Please be our model for the show." She literally begged me so uhhm I couldn't say no. But I forgot that I have stage fear, fuck my life!

"All you have to do is pose for the cameras with the dress. It's only one round so don't worry."

"What about the audience?" I asked trying not to be too obvious with my shaky voice.

"You'll have to walk through the audience and pose for the cameras. And he will be your make up artist." She pointed behind me.

"He who-" Just when I thought this couldn't get any worse, Chase was standing behind me. Chase and makeup artist? Am I hallucinating?

"Sit over there." Chase said.

"What?" I was thinking of something else so I didn't hear him.


"Yes sir!" That was loud. I sat in front of the mirror and Chase leaned closer to my face, "Your skin is good, but you look tense. Relax a little."

"How am I supposed to relax? This is happening really fast and I have stage fear." My heart was racing and I felt this churning sensation in my stomach.

"Why did you agree then? You could've said no." Chase said as he was putting something on my face, his hand movements were gentle and smooth.

"She was literally begging me."

"That's the Sin I know." He chuckled.

"Don't laugh, how did you even get in this mess?"

"My dream is to be a makeup artist and they were looking for one cause their artist was the boyfriend of the model who fell ill and went to the doctor with her, so I said yes."

He probably noticed me being uncomfortable. He turned the chair to his side and got on his knee, "Hey, look at me. You are going to be fine, just picture the people as vegetables while you walk."

"..." I imagined it and couldn't stop laughing, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA- WHAT THE HELL-"

"That's it, just don't laugh out loud and try to hold on with anything but a smile. Thank god models don't smile, otherwise you would've made every single guy fall for you.."

"That's too much of a compliment but thank you. I'm ready." I haven't had a laugh like that in ages.

"Beautiful, now let me do my job."

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