It was a psycho all along!

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"Sin the bully? So they don't even have the creativity to give that article a better name." An article about me was published on the school newspaper as a bully.

"That's what I said. Miranda wrote this article and people actually believed it."

"Sin your turn!"

"Coming sir!!" I said as the teacher called me to give a speech from our class because our art teacher was leaving the school.

"Good morning everyone, this is Sin from class 1-A presenting a goodbye speech for Ms Mira. Unfortunately she'll be leaving to Paris soon and we'll miss her. But before she leaves, she must know what kind of a class we actually are. I'm sure y'all know this lady-" I showed Miranda's picture on the screen. "Yes, Miranda from our class, the biggest bully in the history of our school who says that I'm the actual bully. Ironic huh. She's the reason I became the most hated student in this semester. I'm going to show a few pictures that will blow your mind."

"These pictures are not fabricated, these bruises that y'all are seeing are actually real and Miranda is the one who caused them. She has the record of physically abusing students but she never got caught because of her father's money."

"If you remember, there was a girl named Sam who committed suicide last year because of her. This is her suicide note on the screen with Miranda's name in bold. But money gulped it all down. When she was bullying me I thought it was the average one, you know with no physical or mental harm, just a few days of patience until she gets bored of me, but when I looked over a few things this is what I found. It wasn't my plan to reveal it today but I did it anyways. So in short, Miranda is a mentally unstable teenage girl who takes bullying to another level just cause she hates someone. I don't know what the school authorities will do with her but if they need the evidences they can take it from me."

"And Ms Mira, thank you so much for supporting me in this battle, hope you have a good life ahead. Thank you."

I smiled and went backstage. The whole crowd was under chaos, Miranda's face was worth hacking all the restricted evidences. And just like that, the authorities came and took her with them. Of course I said that I didn't hack 'em, "I found them while I was looking through old suicide cases for my mental health assignment." And it worked!

A few weeks later

"You have your summer vacations from tomorrow, don't spent it nutting and go on some actual dates you retards also finish your homework. That's all."

"Your PE teacher is no joke huh. Can't believe he actually said that, explains why he is your favorite." I was telling Dee about my favourite satanic teacher.

"Exactly, so what are your plans? That family trip again?"

"Yeah, what about you?"

"I don't know what came over my parents but they are saying that I can go wherever I want, even with boys. So Ben's uncle is taking the three of us to his family resort in Hawaii."

"Please tell me you said no."

"No, I said yes. This is my chance to find out more about Ben, I have to."

"So who's this three of you?"

"Ben, me and Chase. Chase wanted to go as a witness in case something happens to me."

"I'll trust him with that I guess, but if something does happen contact me ASAP."

"I will."

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