"It's okay"

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All the three of us were sitting on a bench after being kicked out by the librarian. "Do you have any suspicions on anyone Ben?" Dee asked while sipping coffee.
Yeah, coffee.
Rings a bell?

"At this point, everyone is a suspect to me." Ben replied.

"That statement didn't help at all." Dee sighed.

"Why don't we just look at the CCTV camera footage?" I said with a poker face. Both of them went silent and looked at me.

"I don't know if I'm an idiot or you are a genius" Dee replied. I could see her brain process what she said and realizing her brain capacity.

"Both" I replied and I could immediately feel her giving me a menacing look, so my brain threw its survival instincts with a "Just kidding!" plus a smile and Ben started giggling at our stupidity.

Without wasting any time we went to the security room and took the footage (It was hard but the guard was greedy, which makes it easy). Then we decided to go to the cafeteria to celebrate our success cause we found the criminal!

"This couldn't go any better!" Dee said as she was on top of the world saying she felt like one of those "cool" detectives.

We found ourselves a seat and were chatting like we had the hottest gossip when 3 assholes decided to interrupt us.

"Look who we have here, the 3 most controversial people in the whole school." One of them said in a really loud volume and all the eyes shifted to us.

I hate attention so I said, "How about you three mind your own business and do your homework instead of putting your nose where it doesn't belong?"

"Someone's mad" he smirked and leaned in to make eye contact with me saying, "How about we take this to somewhere more peaceful and-" he looked down at my chest, whispering, "private?"

My skin crawled in disgust. I am usually very calm and composed but this time I just couldn't do it. I got up and Dee squealed, "Here we go again!".

"You did a good job trying to threaten Ben, but you failed miserably." I could see his face turning pale as soon as he heard that.

"What do you mean?" He asked trying to hide his slight fear with a smirk.

"You were smart enough to give the guard some money to shut up but you forgot to delete the clip making it easy for me to access it" I said while showing the pen drive in my hand.

"In fact you were going to threaten me too, thinking I would fall for it. But jokes on you, you tried to mess with the wrong person." I made sure to say that as loudly as possible, because rumors spread as fast as fire on dry leaves.

"Now this is going to the principal and you are going to get suspended, good luck." We planned this while coming to the cafeteria and Dee wanted to say this line cause it sounded 'cool' to her.

Then the three of us came out of the cafeteria, feeling like heroes!

But there's this one thing Ben said that was bothering me. "But I don't wanna involve the school authorities, it's a bother and no one cares." I'll have to admit that no one cares about what he was going through but only at the gossip. Still I wanted him to be easy on himself for once and the expression he made after I said, "Stop taking it so hard on yourself and let the higher ups handle it. It's okay to lean on to someone once in a while" made me feel like he was waiting for someone to say that to free him from the weight that he was carrying.

Also- heroes my ass! I forgot my phone there and I need to go back to that hell hole.

"Uhh sorry to interrupt the mood but I need my phone."

"Oh? But it's with us." One guy answered swinging the phone in the air.

"Then let's go to the principal, you'll get your suspension and I'll get my phone."
Checkmate bastards!

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