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One day I will die. I like to think the thought of it is bittersweet. Before, my life was fragile. A blow to the chest, an injury too deep, a wrong twist of the body was a sentence for death. I lived carefully not truly enjoying each moment of life. When you came along I was hurting, I was sheltered and scared. Now I take every extra year that you have given me with a gracious heart.

I consider us the lucky ones. Although no human, immortal, or god is granted a permanent forever; I do believe it's what we got. You have given me such an extraordinary life. You taught me to consider every obstacle in my way an adventure. You have given me a home in Asgard, a family in Loki and Dalla, and a life in you.

Just the other day we sat together in the gardens and I asked you, 'Where would you go if life as we knew it ended'. You looked as if you'd known the answer your whole life. You told me I was a silly girl and you laughed your sweet laugh that always makes my heart happier. 'I would go wherever you were,' you told me simply.

I never gave you my answer. I didn't tell you I'd travel back to the day in Stark Towers when I packed my things for Dallas. Instead of fleeing I would have torn up the note and chose to be brave. I would have spared you the hardships and spent the rest of my time with you.

But your answer (although illogical) seemed better. That is why I admire you so much. Because you do not settle for the simple way of things. You look around the mess and declare to the world that you will get what you seek. In our time together some may call you the God of Selfishness, the god with too big of a head upon his shoulders. But those accusations just make me laugh. Surely they are not talking about my god. Mighty Thor, God of Thunder, King of Asgard. The god with a heart too big for his body, a god who will do anything for love.

From you I learned my courage and from me you learned to be grounded. A fine deal if you ask me.

I thank all the glorious gods of the world for you. For helping me overcome my fears, showing me purpose, and granting me with the power of lightning. I know there is plenty more to learn from each other (like how to win a fair fight), but for now I take each day as a blessing. Just know my love, I always think of you in the vast flowers you had planted in my name. Just like you think of me when you see the stars. Our love is unworldly.

I never did get the chance to thank you. For saving my life in more aspects than one.

With all my love,
Nova Lee


Note: If you want to imagine Thor reading this thousands of year later when Nova is finally gone, it makes it a lot sweeter 🥺🥺 Also if you guys have been here long enough you'll remember that last sentence there^^ from Nova's note to Thor in Part 1.

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